The Word of God in Romania 2001.04.08 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 2
from his garden in the spring, and these will be thrown into the fire, for the earth to be clean and
then to be ready for sowing. And I will start to make the man, for he is not inclined for its making.
He is too old in the evil things and does not want to let himself be renewed, and I have come with
My work to the renewal of the world, to the new birth of the world, to a new heaven and a new
earth. I am the eternal King and My kingdom has a new heaven and a new earth in it; a new man
and a new people, cleansed by My sacrifice and by My resurrection.
The heaven is full of sighing after the new birth of the world, after the renewal of the earth,
which needs cleansing and working. And as for you, people of birth from above, you are My
new vine and I will graft you and make everything new for Me, with My word upon you. This
is My good news over which all the angels and the saints in heaven above and on the earth below
rejoice, for everything that is in heaven has been waiting for the renewal; everything has been
waiting for the fulfillment of the promise of the new heaven and new earth. Amen.
Jerusalem, you should be small and you shall always be new. You should be My Palm
Sunday in which to be glorified with a feast of heavenly Zion on earth. You should stay for My
welcome, for this is your work, and you shall receive Me as your King, New Israel.
Oh, what Israel of old had done to Me! It was afraid not to lose its glory in which I estab-
lished it in the midst of the nations of the earth, but it was not worthy of its glory from Me. And
because it was not worthy, it was afraid of Me. If it had been used to the spirit of humility, Israel
would have been glorified. However, because it was unworthy for glory, it tried to be glorified
through the spirit of haughtiness and it had become great and it lost its glory by getting high against
Me, for this is what I said: «The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified, and now is
the judgment o