The Word of God in Romania 2000.04.02 - The Word of God on the third Sunday o | Page 2

The man is knocked down to the earth and no one makes him stand , for those who call themselves “ theologians ” shake hands with the pagans , with those who are not of My fold , for they are not hurt because of My sheep , and they are hurt for themselves instead , and they do not know what pain is , but I know it , for I am the Man of the pain and I have no one to carry My cross with . I am the Man under the cross and all who call themselves “ theologians ” want Me only on the cross ; they make crosses everywhere and put Me crucified on them , and they bow to all the crosses but not to Me . Which theologian stops from his way before the holy cross on which I lay crucified ? Who of them stops to cry for Me that lie on the cross , and to lie down for himself , who does not lie on the cross so that I may also lie for him ? Every man , who does not lie on the cross , puts Me to lie on it in his place , because the man , who does not crucify himself on the cross , always sins , and I lay on the cross with My clean body . What man stops any longer in front of the cross , on which I lie crucified , to cry for Me that I lie on the cross for him and for his life full of worldliness and lusts ? ( See the selection topic : „ About the graven image and the sign of the cross ”, r . n .)
Oh , sons of the people , God lies on the cross and you lie in your sins . Why do you not come to My cross to cry for Me and for your sins for which I lie on the cross ? Why do you not take your cross and follow Me ? Oh , sons of the people , do you want God only on the cross ? Only on the cross do you want Me to lie ? Answer Me !
Oh , no one , no one answers , no one . No one knows to give this answer . They who call themselves “ theologians ” make crosses everywhere , and put Me crucified on it , and then they worship all these crosses , but they do not worship Me . Every man keeps Me on the cross ; every man sins and no one can be My apostle , for the apostles have to be saints like Me . I took My apostles from their own things , from those that belonged to them before , and I cleansed them and taught them and made them holy , and they never went back to their own things , but they remained within Mine instead , and the world knew this , for they had My power by their work , and this means to be apostles with grace and with the Holy Spirit in their work .
Today many people come together in the worldly churches for the celebration of the cross , a feast into the middle of the Lent for the memorial of My passions on the cross , but there is no man to understand the mystery of the Lent .
Oh , sons of the people , I have the tabernacle of My word into your midst , with which I make My room among the people to speak to them . Does the man of today know how to remember the memorial of My passions ? Who among the people know to remember of My passions on the cross , My moaning and My death for the man ?
Oh , sons of the people , how comes that you do not like to listen to God to remember Him ? I said this : « Anyone who wants to come after Me shall deny himself , take his own cross and follow Me this way , for he who wants to save his soul will lose it , and he who loses his soul for Me and for My Gospel will save it ; and he who will be ashamed of Me and of My words in this immoral and sinful people , the Son of Man will be ashamed of him too , when He comes for the greatness of His Father with the holy angels ». Amen . Behold , I said two thousand years ago to My apostles and to the crowd which followed Me ; I said that the man shall deny himself if he wants to follow Me . But as for you , sons of the people , you say that you go to church , but you do not know what it means the man to follow Me . I said in vain , what I said . No one , no one understands what I said ; no one but those who deny themselves giving themselves over to Me for the fulfillment of the Gospel on them and on all who want to come after Me . No one lives in his body the memorial of My passions , for the man has got used to sin , and he goes this way to church to