The Word of God in Romania 2000.03.05 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 4

2000.03.05 Take and drink and grow with the word that flows like the rain from heaven for those who eat and drink from heaven to be alive for My coming. Come to the fountain of life and ask the watchmen near it to take out water and to give it to you so that you may no longer go thirsty after another fountain, for the antichrist is going everywhere and pours out of his poison, that his water may be everywhere, for he thinks that I will no longer be God, and that he will be god instead. However, he will no longer be and nor the sons of lying, for I come to tear down everything he has been doing, and I work through those who are blessed by Me through My word of today. I am clothed in the garment of judgment, for the spirit of the man stands powerfully against My coming. The wrath, the opposing man pushes Me to, overcomes My mercy, for it is the time to come because everything has come to an end on the earth, and the earth has been running out of power and it can no longer go on. There is no one to clean and to make it holy through cleanness, and the earth groans under the man’s sins and I hear its sighing and groaning for the man is heavier than the ground under him. There are only sins on the earth, only deaf people, as in the time of Noah. But I also call out and cry again, and I cry as in the time of Noah. I call out until I come visibly and every man will see Me. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) I call out so that the dead and the living may hear Me, and the dead will help Me and will testify about My coming at the same time with their resurrection. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.) Here is the day of My coming; it comes coming with wrath! Even if no one prepares My way to come, nevertheless I come, but I come with wrath, for the man does not want Me and keeps on sending Me away from everywhere, only to be him, the man; the man who loves the lie enshrouding himself with it and putting it in the place of My righteousness. All the days of the man are his. The man eats for himself, fasts for himself, lives for himself, and seeks only for his own good, but he seeks without Me. Now I am coming to search out the man and I find him full of sins and I want to shake him off and to wash him to renew him and to make him again; however, if he does not want and remains deaf of hearing at the voice of My trumpet for resurrection, I, the One Who am Master, raise My hand and make a sign with it to the right or to the left for every man, for it is the day of judgment on the earth, the day of the Lord’s righteousness. Amen. Oh, watchmen sons, tell it far and wide that the day of the Lord is coming. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are coming down on the earth as rain of word, the Lord’s Day. Who hides under My word, which said two thousand years ago: «Of this day or hour no one knows; not the angels or the Son, but only the Father».? Here is the Lord’s Day! God rains with it on the earth and the man passes through it and it passes through the man, and the man does not see and does not hear and does not know the day of My coming. However, you, those who are selected from among the people by My strong hand, spread the news on the earth that the Lord’s Day is coming, and let every man get ready for it, for it is coming. Amen, amen, amen. 05-03-2000 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 4