The Word of God in Romania 1999.12.12 - The Word of God eight years from the | Page 4

1999.12.12 people. I told My apostles not to take any bag or staff when they come for Me. Likewise, those who come now, let them not take any possessions or father, or mother, or sons, or relatives, and let them not take any staff, for I am the help of those who come after Me, otherwise it is falling, for it is written: «The enemy of the man is his own family, which does not let him free to come after Me». Here is a word difficult to perceive: the one who has a bag and staff does not come after Me, for he already has them, and he does not come so that I may give him. I have as staff, for those who come after Me, the way of holiness, the way who brings the man to Me; a staff of support for the one who is on My way. Amen. Now, sons from the garden, I confess you before the angels and saints and before the people on the earth, for you are those who remained with Me among those who were called at the table of My word on these days, and I meant you a kingdom as My Father meant it for Me, to eat and to drink at My table into My kingdom and to sit by Me for the judgment of the creature. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) May this feast be blessed in heaven and on earth! Amen. Blessed be the cross that you lifted up near the little house in the hill as a sign (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) of feast of the Holy of Holies of New Jerusalem. Inscribe its day of feast on it, once with the day of feast of the manger, which carries in it the stone that I write Myself as a book of judgment in time. And as for you, I order you further to carry My burden until I come, and then we will have rest, and will be, and we will have joy. Amen, amen, amen. 12-12-1999 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: klEUnJSek8xdFk&usp=sharing#list 4