Oh , people , those who prophesy without doing God ’ s will , those who do miracles before the people to pose as God , soon , soon will hear the Lord ’ s mouth speaking : « Depart from Me and do not rush to Me , you who work iniquity into My name . I never knew you , for anyone who hears My words and does not fulfill them , that one is not fruit and is like the one who built his house on the sand ».
Oh , sons of man , bring forth fruits worthy of repentance , for any tree that does evil fruits , is soon , soon cut and thrown into the fire . Amen , amen , amen .
― Behold , I , the Lord , released John ’ s voice after two thousand years for the repentance of the people . Let him , who has nowhere to learn the work of repentance from , come to Me if he wants to learn , for there are only false prophets on earth who speak about the good things , but they do not do them .
The one who wants to come after Me , let him deny himself take up his cross as his way of life and come this way . Amen . But what cross should one take up ? Should he really take up his cross and his worries and the troubles of his works ? Oh , this Scripture is not to be understood this way , but here is how it is to be understood : Let the man take up his cross on his shoulders as I took it and went with it on Golgotha to be crucified . Let the man follow Me there . Let the man take up the cross of his lawlessness and lay on it and follow Me this way ; this way , crucified , for the one who is not crucified is free and commits iniquities with his body . Let the man leave his shameful cross and take up the cross of glory , the cross of crucifixion through which the world is dead to him , and he is dead to it , for the works of the world are the life of the hell on earth , the mirror of the hell in which the man looks and sees his own face . I , the Lord , came down into the book with this word for this day of repentance : let the man take up his cross of crucifixion , as I took it , to follow Me on the earth for the cleaning of the lawlessness on it , for soon , soon , the lawlessness and its bodies will melt away like wax .
As for you sons from the manger , serve Me and the Gospel of My coming that I may be preached by it from margins to margins , as I have already done it , and to bring the day of the end of lawlessness for the entire world . And the one who wants to save his life will lose it and will take up his cross and follow Me by denying himself and loving Me .
Work at the building of those that will remain , sons . Everything that you do , do it into My name . This is how you should work , for the people who build for Me churches and monasteries , as they say , finally they give them to people , not to Me , and they boast about My name . Oh , the buildings of the churches and monasteries have to be for those who serve Me day and night , not for the world and not for the empty glory of the man who becomes My servant , from his own reading , to become conceited with My name before those who do not know what God means . All the worldly churches , from brick and stone , will be torn down at My command and a living church will remain on earth , a heavenly church with heavenly servants and heavenly sons on the earth , through My living church . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The true church ”, r . n .)
Work to the building of those who will remain , sons . Teach those who seek Me with you to know what God with man means . Make Me a name amongst people , sons . Spread the Gospel of the heavens on earth from margins to margins , for this is written before My coming , and then I will come , for now it is time to come . Amen , amen , amen .