The Word of God in Romania 1999.07.04 - The Word of God on the fifth Sunday a | Page 3

Oh , how I created the man and how the man creates man ! Oh , how much distance is from heaven to earth sons !
Oh , children of My Father , tell it , so that it might be heard on the earth , who is the unfaithful man ? From earth the man answers as from earth , but you should answer as in heaven . Tell sons , as I listen to you . Amen .
― The unfaithful man is the one who knows God ’ s will , but he does not like to do it from one end to the other , and becomes guilty to God , as it is written : « If someone breaks only one law of all , he becomes guilty of all the other commandments that he fulfills » and he is called unfaithful , as the faithful one fulfills them all and so it comes that he is faithful .
― Oh , sons , all are written into the Scriptures , but the man pretends that he does not know them . This is how the man does with My word of today , that I , the Lord , write it on the earth by your own little hands . It is written into the Scriptures that « the unfaithful will be wiped out from the earth », but the man has got used to perishing and says that the law endures as long as the world is . Oh , the law is not this ! This is not law , man . This is the reward of the sin , you , man that are used to perishing . Man , the man who came out of you is the reward of your sins ; it is not law . Do you see what you call law ? The sin you call law , as you put it as a law upon you to fulfill it . Fulfill it if you want , but you should know that I make the man from dust again , as I made him in the beginning ; for the one that came out of you is your sin , and he is not a man . What shall I do to you if you wanted that the woman to be your woman ? If you had remained Mine , the woman would have also remained Mine , and you would have remained God ’ s man , as for this I created you . I did not create you to give you over to the sin , but rather I created you to make you fruitful and to get used to the work of the fruition , but if you turned the woman into your woman , you forgot about God and joined to your wife and you have no longer known the mystery of the body made by God , which says that the two are not two but one , together with God , as One is God , the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit .
Now I have come on the earth as word of judgment on you , man . Oh , if only you repented of your own deed deepened in time ! Oh , if only you wanted to be faithful and not unfaithful ! Oh , you unfaithful man , who does not fulfill My word ! Fulfill it , for I come down from heaven and I tell you this word . You are as old as seven thousand years , man . When you were in heaven , I was speaking with you and you were hearing Me . But after you came out of Paradise , because of your disobedience and sin , you gave God for you sin and listened to the voice of the sin . Oh , you hear and believe the voice of sin , but you do no longer hear My voice and do no longer believe it . Your ear is a gate for iniquity ; your eyes the same ; and likewise are your faith and wisdom , for you have changed the course of your wisdom once with your coming out of Paradise when you stood against your Creator . But I opened the gates of heaven , so that you may see and hear Me , for I have come after you with healing and I want to make out again your ear and eyes and all of your body . I stand into the door of My tent and I put a mark before you so that you may know Me . My word is the sign . ( See the selection topic : „ The sign of the Son of Man ”, r . n .) It is a spring of living water in a ground without water . I am the word from heaven , by which I gave birth to children for Father , so that I may stay with them before you , wandering man without a path . Oh , when I created you from the dust , it was easy . Now you are flesh and blood , but these do not inherit the kingdom of the heavens , for they stand against life by their opposing spirit , because it is written : « What is of the flesh is flesh , and it is flesh and blood ». Oh , it is hard for Me to make you out again for you are My adversary as the devil is , but here is the word that I said to fulfill : everything the man did