The Word of God in Romania 1999.06.13 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 5

We from you . Love must become true God in man , because only then it is called so ; otherwise , it is called sin not love . The man has to long after love and not for sin , but the sin became god in man , and the man listens to it and longs after it , as afterlife . The man longs after death as the saint longs after God . But you are My bridge , on which I walk from heaven on the earth to speak with the man and to tell him about Me and about the country of My second coming from near Father , to give the man the way for his returning to Me . The holy fathers of Romania are looking at their country from heaven , and spreading out their hands to Me say : “ Lord , give a humble spirit to the Romanian , so that he may give it back to you as a well pleased sacrifice to You . Give him cleanness , and give him love , so that he may have a weapon against his selflove , and give to the Romanian the Holy Spirit , for the Holy Spirit in the man is the One Who knows You into this word and in the sons of Your word in Romanians ”. Amen , amen , amen .
Oh , sons , I come to you with good orders for you and for Me in you . I come soon with words of building of My work with you on the earth . I come to give you a holy work to do , so that you may work within blessing . I come to teach those who persevere to be one spirit with Me and to tell them to be one body and one spirit with Me and with you , and to know how to work near you for Me , as it is a great thing for the man to know how to be smaller than God on the earth . I find no man on the earth to be smaller than Me , and I cannot work but on those who are small , whose the kingdom of the heavens is , as I spoke through the Scriptures . Sons , stand with your lighted lamp into My way , so that I may come and build you day by day into your holy work on the earth , and so that the man may have where to find a holy work and a way for his steps . Stand with your lamp lighted so that I may enter when I come .
Now I give you a little crown because you have listened to My word by which I sent you to the one who is blown by the wind of sufferance , to repentance ; the archbishop Vasile ( Basil , r . n .), who sat on the seat of the church in the first stronghold of the Romanians cities , the citadel of Târgovişte . This seat is My seat , and woe to the one who sits on this seat according to the man ’ s plan that I have set aside for Me to sit as word on the earth into the midst of this ruling city ! I wanted to touch it through your little hands and to release it from the sins that he has done by now against Me and you and against My archbishop , Irineu , the one who has on his head My great anointment over My church in this time . Pray to Me , so that I may give him a spirit of wisdom , and so that the one touched by My hand through you may understand that your hand was with power from Me , and to cut his sufferance short and to release him in peace . I have mercy on the man who repents from those that he has done against Me . Amen .
I will work with power over the earth and I will clean My way , My dwelling place and My seat over this citadel of every opposition , of every doubt and of each body , the first citadel over Romania , the great citadel into whose midst I have a ruling seat with you .
May the fire guard be blessed on My seat in this citadel , as I set a fire cherubim to protect the way to this citadel and I say : He who will stumble against this seat will be smashed by it , as the one , who is set aside for Me and for the country of My coming , has stumbled and is smashed by it now , for this country is the first and the last as I am . Amen , amen , amen . 13-06-1999
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor ( editor ). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here : http :// www . scribd . com / collections / 4089711 / The-second-coming-of-Jesus-Christ