Oh , how shall not be hard for the man to receive My staying with you ? Love has to become the true God in man , and only then it is called this way ; otherwise it is called sin , not love . Behold , I came and come , and find the man sinning . Oh , marriage does not mean selfdenial , and I said that he , who wants to come after Me , shall deny of his own self . I told this also to those that are not married and to those that are married , but more I told to those that are married and I also say : the marriage does not mean self-denial . If the Scripture reads about a priest and about the bishop « to be the husband of but one wife », and this , in the Lord , as it is written in the Scriptures , here is what I , the Lord , tell you today : the priest or the bishop cannot belong both to the woman and to the church , and if he wants episcopacy , let him and his wife refrain from debauchery , from the sin within their own body , and , denying of their own self and of their bodies , let them take their cross and follow Me as servants for the heaven and for the church . The church is led by satan today , not by Me , for the head of the church is the man : the man who becomes priest , and who marry first , but the Scriptures says this : « Your wedding and your bed should be clean , and God will judge the immoral ». Amen .
Sons from the cradle , I want to establish through you on the earth the spread table of the kingdom of heavens , ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .) the table of heavenly knowledge upon the people , the table of humility , the meal of My word , for those on the earth do not come , because they have other food to eat , for the man got used to debauchery more than bread , and he suffers from bread but not from debauchery . This comes in hand to the servant of the church from the world , and it comes in his hand , so that the man may not have mind , for if he has , he will open it and see God and the devil with it , and he chooses what is best and most true for his true life .
When the scribes and the Pharisees were tempting Me about the man and the woman and their separation , I answered them according to the law issued by the sinful man , for the law is for the sinners , but I also answered them according to the holy law and said : « He who made them both at the beginning , He made them male and female and said : „ Therefore shall a man leave his mother and shall cleave to his wife : and they shall be one flesh and so they are no longer two . What therefore God has joined together let not man separate ”». But behold , the man separated as both the man and the woman commit fornication and they are no longer one flesh ; they are not the same as God made them , but each one is with his own body and does what they want and what they like , as their body leads them . Oh , it is a great mystery a man to be one flesh with his wife not two , but this mystery was only at the beginning and that is all , for the man violated it . ( See the selection topic : „ The mystery of the man and of the woman ”, r . n .) The man separated what God joined together and the two were no longer one flesh , but rather they were two , and each one let oneself lured by the other one , and the man is enticed into debauchery by his own lust without any kind of orderliness . The Pharisees , who wanted to catch Me with the word at all costs , asked Me then : « Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away ?». And I answered them : « Because Moses allowed you to leave your women after the hardness of your heart , but it was not so from the beginning . But I tell you that if you leave your women except for lewdness and marry another , you commit adultery and if you marry the one put away , you also commit adultery ». Oh , what else should I tell these people who had their body unrestrained against their own soul ? When My disciples heard what I said , they asked Me this : « Lord , if the case with the man is so with his wife , it is no good to marry ». And I strengthened their wisdom saying : « This is a mystery and a word of mystery and only they understand to whom it is given to understand ». And I also told them : « He , who is able to perceive it , let him perceive it ». Amen .