The Word of God in Romania 1999.05.30 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R | Page 2

I said to give the man as a gift to You and to have the man in Our image and after Our likeness ”.
Oh , Son , I speak today over the small one in the end of the time and I call them Our little chicks , to be chicks , for behold , the accomplished man got out from under Our wings . The wise man of today rejoices over his glory , and the great man cannot be small , and he cannot come under the sign of dominion , for he is great and has his own shelter . I sent you on to the earth to become the child of a man and to make you into a new seed , so that a man may come out of it like the seed , and he came out , for My people Israel came out as seed and a seed out of a seed . You were the seed , and Your disciples were Your fruit , who submitted to Your word and became children in My bosom through You , My Son . But Israel was great by My election , by My promises on him , and he became conceited and woke up to scatter My chicks away . You were the hen into the midst of Israel , Son that were sent , but My people did not want to believe My work with You , and he was destitute both of hen and of chicks , and since then he has been wondering away in unbelief , for even today he is waiting for You to come , according to the promise in the prophets . And behold , You come , and You will be coming , for You came two thousand years ago , and Your marks remained alive and they testify about Your coming and that You come , and that You will come again , Son , born on the earth two thousand years ago , from Father and from Israel by the Virgin .
May You be blessed by all the nations , by all the languages , both in heaven above and on the earth below , Son Who are in heaven and on earth at the same time , from everlasting to everlasting ! I am the Father Sabaoth , and I confess You , Son , from the middle of the angels and of the saints who cannot be seen . I leave the throne of the glory and I come with you into the garden . I come down to the man for I am the Father of the first created man . The Holy Spirit from Me and You deifies the man , but the man has to humble himself with faith , as the faith is God ’ s glory in man . The faith clothes the man in glory and thus the man can do whatever God wants him to do , only to believe , only that he may not be ashamed of God , for he who is ashamed with God , that one is hiding from God ’ s glory .
Oh , little sons and children , stand in My justice before the nations under the sky , for justice will crown the earth and it will make it new and holy , as it was at its first creation . The first Earth was sunken into the deep by the man ’ s hand . And here is how the second earth is : it is submitted to the man and it is a depth of lawlessness , where the fallen angels through man ’ s haughtiness do their work through the man to win against God . But the earth , promised to you and to those who will be like you , is a righteous land through the righteous ones , who will rule forever and ever . Amen , amen , amen .
Son , Emmanuel , do not be sad . You have someone to rejoice with . When You came to My right hand , after You proved to be My Son and God by resurrection and power , you did not left many to testify about the things that you have worked for . And the same is now ; there are few but small people that You may become perfect in them with Your wisdom , for I have kept away from the earthly wisdom even from the womb of their mothers those that were anointed in the garden for You and for the last days . I have brought them closer to You , here , at the spring , and I gave them to drink and to always be with the living water on their table . And here they are . They are those , who receive You , giving their own little hearts as Your dwelling place , in which You put a spring of faith for You coming . Oh , comfort them , dear Son . I am the Father and I am with You . I give them a little crown of glory , for I gave them to You as Your bride , and the world does not know them , Son . They are comprised in the mystery , for this is God ’ s work among the people , for the faith on the earth to grow ; the holy faith , My Son .