the day of resurrection , the first day of the week , the first day , sons . This is the day of resurrection ; this is the mystery of resurrection : the first day , in which the resurrected man has to remain and to be alive , to be the son of resurrection , the son of My day . The first day is the day when the faithful man wakes up for Me through preaching . The first day is the day of love , and love can do it , and it means resurrection , for it keeps the man full of God , and it keeps new the one who gets up to be alive , and takes him out of the dead ones . He , who truly rises , never dies , and he is a son of resurrection , and he , who tastes only of the mystery of resurrection , dies again , and submits to the dying body of the man , who pulled himself out from God .
I , the Lord of resurrection , have come on the earth to breakdown the power of death in man , but I have power only in the man who remains with Me in him , as without Me in him , the man dies ; he dies again . The mystery of My being in man is the mystery of My resurrection in man . I want to tell you what it means the man ’ s resurrection , sons from My garden , sons anointed with the seal of resurrection . My being in the resurrected man , appears with power in the one who is resurrected for Me . If My being does not live visibly in the resurrected one , it is not in him , and he is not resurrected , for after I was resurrected I appeared as risen .
I come to you with a feast of salvation and resurrection and say : Chris is risen ! Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! I speak this mystery three times , for this testimony is a great mystery . My being in the resurrected one is the testimony of this mystery . This is the one who speaks in truth this mystery : “ Christ is risen !” Otherwise , the man says “ Chris is risen !” as though he would say “ There is no Christ ”.
I want the mystery of My being in you to testify from within you before My face and before the people , who will see Me in you , sons anointed with the seal of My resurrection and your resurrection , for My resurrection in the man is the man ’ s resurrection ; it is My being forever in man ; it is My face and My living in man and from man , and it is the mystery of My being in man . Amen .
Soon , soon , the entire earth will be comprised in the mystery of the resurrection , for it is written about the Day of the Lord . Soon , soon , I will cleanse the earth of everything that is without God on it , and I will wake up those in the womb of the earth , some to eternal life in their body , and some to destruction ; like life , like deed , so that the earth may be new afterwards and without death on it , without dead people on it . This means resurrection . This means a new earth for a new heaven . Everything that the false man has built on it , the man without God on earth , will be given over to everlasting destruction , and the Spirit of Truth will remain on earth , the Spirit of the Lord , the Day of the Lord . Amen .
I bless you all ; those that are alive , for the living are not among the dead , among those who die . I bless you with the mystery of My being in you . My being in the resurrected one for Me appears with power and much glory in the one who is resurrected for Me . This is the sign of My blessing in the one who is blessed . That one is he , who declares in the Spirit of Truth : « Chris is risen !», the greeting of those who are raised from the dead . Amen , amen , amen . 11-04-1999
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