The Word of God in Romania 1999.02.15 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 3

Michael , the archangel , is the angel of the Lord , My angel , which has protected the last anointed one of the Romanians . ( The King Michael , r . n .) He has always been with the anointed one , and neither sword nor bullet has touched him , nor any other harm , and I fulfilled the Scripture of your days , as this is what I told you : „ He will come back into My country , his and yours ”. And he came , served by My angel , for My word is the truth .
I , the Lord , protect you and I give you My angel during the time of oppression and I save you , for this is what is written about your days : « At that time shall Michael stand up , the great prince who stands for the children of your people in time of trouble , and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time ; and at that time your people shall be delivered , everyone who shall be found written in this book . Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake , some to everlasting life , and some to shame and everlasting contempt , and those who are wise shall shine as the brightness of the expanse , and those who turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever ». Amen . I , the Lord , sent My angel to tell you these words . I come soon , accompanied by My angel , as I ascended . My angel is your fellow worker and to all who keep the words of this book , but you should worship Me , like My angel . You should not seal these words , for it is their time , and I come soon . Amen .
Sons , be worthy of the guard of My angel . When the great ones upon Romania wanted to lose you because you were Mine , ( December 16 , 1989 , at the „ revolution ”, r . n .), My angel was among them and you and he destroyed them instead and saved you ; however , that bloodshed is not called a revolution nor a takeover , but the work of My angel for your protection . Be worthy of My angel ’ s protection , sons , for the work of My word has My angel , the archangel Michael , the voivode of heavenly hosts , who delivered My word over the nature of the angels who rose against Me , saying to the heavenly hosts : « Let us stay well , with fear and attention !» Amen .
Sons take a good heed to the mysteries that I bring you . I was served by an angel and showed the man to do the same , attended by angels . My angel will take fire from the fire of My glory and will throw it on the ground and the light made by the hand of the man without God will catch fire and then all the work of man ’ s fakes will come to an end and the wisdom coming of the man will go out and the man will see it no longer , because it was the man ’ s fake and not wisdom . All will be stopped at the last trumpet which is My angel , the seventh angel to sound . I seal with the seal of My angel upon you . My word confirms the angel of the Lord upon you . Work an angelic word and serve Me with it , for I gave you work for Me . And to the man of lying , the antichrist , I speak this : I will throw him on earth , for he will come up to heaven so that he may come into My place and to call himself „ the king ” and „ the christ ”. I will throw him down on earth and he will be crushed ; he and his angels , he and his servants . And I come soon accompanied by My angel as I went up to the Father . I come to make justice to the saints who keep saying : « Until when , Lord ?» Oh , only a little while , a very little time and I come . I am coming soon , soon , for I am ready and come , and My angel will go before Me , for I am coming . Amen , amen , amen . 15-02-1999
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