The Word of God in Romania 1998.12.13 - The Word of God at the feasting of Sa | Page 3

1998.12.13 man away from his transgressions? It is written: «The one who turns the sinful from his evil ways that one saves his soul too». But you destroyed My dwelling in man and filled him with careless- ness, because the man sees you and he does as you do, not as I do. I came with witnesses from heaven to make out the book of the false prophet judgment. Two thousand years ago My apostles and all who were following Me were called a sect, the sect of the Nazarene. What do you say about this, you man who prophesy about My Christians that they are a sect? Caiaphas was teaching the Jews to call them My sect those who were saints. You do the same, and it is good that you say this, but you do evil that you do not teach people what this word “sect” is; you do evil that you do not teach people what the word “church” means, because you know what it is, but you teach otherwise the ones that worship you and not Me; and I would rather live with people. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) Where shall the man go to the church anymore? Where is the church anymore? Where are My priests? Oh, there is nothing more! All are finished. Oh, what have you done with the word “church” and from the thing of the church? You turned it into your trade not Mine and gave your name of false prophet to the one who has nothing in common with My church and with its thing, for the false prophet the Scriptures is writing about, is not the one outside of My thing; rather he is the one who is working in My name, in My church, in My cowshed, but he is working for himself and not for Myself, for his glory not for Mine, as you are working, for it is written: «He who speaks for himself that one is seeking his own glory, but he who is looking for the glory of God, in him there is no unrighteousness and lie; rather God is in him with His truth». Those named by you false prophets that you may hide better under My name, will be judged less, less, for they do not know what the word “church” means, and I, the Lord, am in the church. It is written: «If they knew not, they would have no sin». But you know and believe that you can hide yourself in a secret place, where I may not see you. Oh, My eye and My word split the man apart and render him outside, and this is what I am doing with you, for all are finished! Your lie is over for you are that lie and are no longer My servant as you call and show yourself and you are rapacious of souls who worship yourself not Myself. You did not become a shepherd for Me; rather you became a shep- herd for yourself in order to dress and feed on the wool and milk of My weak sheep, for you call a sect all the fatten and healthy ones in order to escape, you say, from My pursuit of righteousness through the saints who are doing My will and not yours; however, you lie to yourself for it is written: «Those who are not written from the foundation of the world into the Lamb’s Book of Life, they are the ones who worship the false prophet, the one with hidden heads, so that he may not come to light, as the light shows all hidden ones». Seven years ago I raised My heavenly flag on which was written My name and the name of God’s fortress, of New Jerusalem which is coming down from heaven, from God; for I have been working secretly from everlasting to everlasting. You arose and called a lie My work and My flag which brings victory against you. You were scared and sought a hiding place from my face, and today you are doing the same; you seek calling a lie and heresy My work of victory upon the darkness of this age. You have been hidden from Me as you have no life to fit in with My coming, and you are fearful and are afraid of the Master’s coming and you would like to delay the Master’s coming. But you could do nothing by lying and neither can you do now. 3