The Word of God in Romania 1998.08.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the L
The Word of God 1 at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration 2
I come with joy into My garden in Romania and I celebrate Myself among you, sons
anointed in My little garden, for this little patch of land is a great mystery over the earth, because
I took the first created man out of it, and I make a new man of it again, in My image and
after My likeness, and I will be glorified in him as I was glorified Myself before My disciples
when the image of My face was changed, and My white garment shined on My body.
Watching sons in the way of My heavenly voice working upon you, open My book of today
and set God, the Word, in it. Amen.
In the day when I, the Lord, changed the image of My face into a visible glory, I had
witnesses both in heaven and on earth. I was with the closest of My apostles of the twelve; I was
with Peter, with Jacob and with John, whom My heart loved, and of those in heaven, I had as
witnesses, Moses and Elijah, for they also did not leave their bodies on the earth when they
entered the heaven.
Oh, faithful sons, the people on earth read in the life of the time of My body into the midst
of the people; they read but they do not let themselves be moved by God’s works, those above
nature, by My heavenly power, which I have been releasing now and then to the people so that the
people may believe in God, the One Who came on the earth. Moses and Elijah, My prophets of
old, appeared with Me in glory, speaking of those I was about to suffer in Jerusalem, for they were
from heaven and knew about heaven. My three apostles wanted to keep Me away of suffering, and
Peter told Me that if I wanted, the three of them would make a hut for each one of us, so that I
could remain there in the mountain with Moses and Elijah, for they were terrified at those that I
was about to suffer. And while he was speaking, there came a cloud and covered us all, and My
apostles were terrified and then, from the cloud, became a voice, the voice of My Father, Who
said: «This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him». The glory of the heaven withdrew then into its
chambers, and I remained with them as by that time, commanding them not to tell what they had
seen until My resurrection from the dead. And if I ascended to My Father, I told them: «Go to the
entire world and preach Me, and you will be My witnesses to all the ends for the faithful who
will believe in Me by your testimony». Sons, on that day, the heaven appeared together with the
earth at work: The Father with the Son, Moses with Elijah, who are alive, and the three apostles
on whom we let the mysteries of the heavens in a special way, and with whom I went from place
to place between heaven and earth.
Behold, I come as word full of joy over you. I come with the remembrance of My works
over My disciples of that time, and I come with them to you, those of today, with whom I work
out My coming of today on the earth, My work of today with you, as I did My work with those of
that time.
Oh sons, My works above nature remained like a couple of stories over the people, but they
are My power above nature. Who else startles in his heart with regard to My working power from
heaven on earth? For I was on the earth with those in heaven and with those on earth. Amen. Oh,
sons, today I am likewise. I am with you and with those in heaven on the earth with you, and you
are the witnesses of My work with you. I am in a heavenly celebration among you, and My apostles
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A., r.n.