The Word of God in Romania 1998.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Seite 2
Therefore, sons, I am speaking to you so that every man may hear. The Spirit and power
of Elijah were his love and faith in God, and his work for God too, and this is how John was,
about whom the angel spoke to Zachariah that he would go before the Lord, in the spirit and
power of Elijah. However, John is John, and Elijah is Elijah, and both did the same work
and both turned many from Israel to the ways of justice, making a way for the Lord on the
The spirit of the saints is God’s Spirit, Who rests in the saints. The Spirit and power of
Elijah were love without death and action with power. I am coming on earth and writing Myself
with a feast of saints into My book of today. Behold, I am sending Elijah, the prophet, before My
great and terrible day comes. (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation 1 ”, r.n.) He will turn
the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come
and strike the earth with a curse. Amen.
— I am the spirit and power of the Lord, Who dwelt in me through my love of God. I am
Your servant, Lord, and I work before You, as this is what You planned for Your day of today, and
You said: «Behold, I will send Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord
comes». (Mal: 4/5) I am he who works for You love in many, to present them before You as a
perfect people as I and my disciples were. Amen.
I, beloved Lord, want to tell the people as You also said: the spirit is spirit and the soul is
soul, for people have lost the wisdom of their mind and have gone astray in false beliefs, and their
hearts have driveled, Lord. You are the incarnated One from the Holy Spirit in the Virgin, because
You are God and You are the soul of every man, because You were born of the Father before
eternity, and the Father has made everything through You. You are the One Who has given a soul
and spirit to the man’s body, the first one You made out of clay, and man is made of body, soul
and spirit, as Paul, Your apostle, exhorts the people saying to them: «May your whole spirit, soul
and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ». (1 Thess: 5/23) Amen.
People wander away from the truth, Lord. People have changed the goal of Your Gospel and their
heart wanders away. Behold, I am coming to turn their hearts to You, to hear Your voice and to
come from death to life and from their wandering away.
Oh, sons of men, the human mind is not good. Only God’s mind is good in you. Do not
make the member of your mind a member of the spirit of wandering. The soul of a man cannot
enter another man’s body. Oh, who has made you used to such a thought, oh, men’s sons? John,
the Baptizer, worked for the preparation of the Lord’s way, as I am doing today, and he worked
in the spirit and power of God, by his faith and deed, who were working in me in the time of my
body, but my soul belonged to my body, and John’s soul belonged to John’s body, amen, and both
of us had to prepare the Lord’s way, the work of turning the people to God. I am the one who pours
out myself with the spirit of my love of God and with the power of the works of my faith in those
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