which I came from the Father two thousand years ago , I could do nothing with 3 , and behold , the Scriptures which say that it is not those who hear the Law that are righteous before Me , but rather those who fulfill the Law 4 ; they are justified by it . Blessed are those who believe in God , fulfilling His will , believing through the preaching of His messengers on the earth , as they will be justified and they will be with God ! Amen .
Receive and satisfy your appetite My people , for I open your little mouth and I give you from My mouth , and the righteous one will be alive by your faith and he will wake up to get right on the way of My coming , for I fulfill in a while the Scriptures of My second coming from near My Father with a new heaven and with a new earth and with New Jerusalem , ( See the selection topic : „ Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan ”, r . n .) as it is written into the Scriptures . The one who eats grows . The one who does not eat does not grow and his growth is not seen . It is bad for the man who eats and gives nothing in return . There are people on the earth who constantly eat and they eat much ; they eat from others ’ work and do nothing in return . There are still some others who eat and the food does not stick to them , no matter what and how much would they eat , and they have a pale face and are full of weaknesses . Some eat and grow in their bodies and do not work anything , and others , by eating , are withered .
Oh , My people , I speak in parables to you . Get up , son , and understand Me , for it is bad of the man who eats and it is not seen what he has eaten . I want son , to see what you have eaten from My mouth . The humble one thanks God with all his spiritual and bodily members . The humble one is the one who works much for God . The humble one does no longer even think to work for his salvation and he works much , but he works for God . This is what it means to be a humble man . Amen . But what can the man work for God ? Oh , My people , the faithful man to God has always been working the work of faith , for the faith has much work , work for God and for the sons dedicated to God . The humble one does not forsake faith and is not forsaken by the gift of faith ! Woe to the man who is forsaken by the gift of the faith ! Woe to the man who does not remain in the work of humility , for that one will be forsaken by the gift of the faith without knowing it !
Israel , Romanian Israel , I come to you to write Myself with you in a celebration of humility . Today , it is written to the church of Christ a celebration of humility , a celebration ordained by saints and fathers : the remembrance of the holy Mary of Egypt 5 . This holy woman is a celebration in heaven , a celebration of humbleness . I have ordained a work of great humbleness through her , to be an example for those who become perfect within their life in Me , for the saint in the wilderness , Zosima , My priest , sanctified himself with his life , until he said to himself that there was no other one holier than him . But , I , the Lord , did not want that he might lose his salvation by his selfhaughtiness , and I had worked by My Spirit on him to teach him the perfect humbleness , and I had taken him through the wilderness to this holy work that did no longer want to see a human face , and rather she wanted to humiliate herself in her own heart for all her human and devilish sins that she had done for many years before the people ; and then she had worked many other years the work of humility and humbleness of heart before Me , the same as she had worked the spoiling work of soul before the people . And after its accomplishment , I , the Lord , ordained Zosima , the priest , to share with everybody My glorified work by the humbleness of the one who humiliated
3 « What could have been done more to My vineyard that I have not done in it ? Why , when I looked for it to yield grapes , did it yield wild grapes ? Now I will tell you what I will do to My vineyard . I will take away its hedge , and it will be eaten up . I will break down its wall of it , and it will be trampled down ». ( Isaiah 5 / 4-5 );
« One who has My commandments , and keeps them , that person is one who loves Me . One who loves Me will be loved by My Father , and I will love him , and will reveal Myself to him ». ( John 14 / 21 );
See the life of Mary of Egypt ( http :// en . orthodoxwiki . org / Mary _ of _ Egypt ), r . n .