Romania needed to be the house to receive in it My word . ( See the selection topic : „ The true church ”, r . n .)
Oh , you Romanian sons who watch for Me over My wedding country ! Call at the gates of My house of guests , for the enemy came into My house and took My little house and My little coat getting Me out of the vineyard as he did two thousand years ago . I want to bring salvation to the human people , but the antichrist stands against Me , Romanian sons . The antichrist has entered My house and is reigning into My name ; ( See the selection topic : „ The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast ”, r . n .) for the Father has sent Me but I am not welcomed into My house . My word calls out at the gates of My Father and no one wants to open for Me so that I may come in and bring the words and the water of life and the food of My word for those who are thirsty and hungry of life . I am the One Who spoke in the bush on the Mount of Sinai . I am the One Who speak to the Romanian people from the middle of the little garden of My word from Romania . Lift up the glory of My word and lift it up to the life of the people , for I come to save the human people and I have to fulfill the Scripture of a new heaven and a new earth , and of the kingdom on earth . Amen , amen I say to you : I am coming soon , and I will show Myself above Romania and I will make it into a New Jerusalem , My holy country from the end , and I will shed a great light from it over all the nations of the earth . But the servants of the church from Romania are cold and do not want My coming , and they do not want peace and holiness from heaven upon them and they do not believe in Me . It is written in My Scriptures : « If someone wants to believe he will understand My word and My will and My salvation ». ( See the selection topic : „ Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan ”, r . n .)
Oh , Romanian sons , I have compassion on the Romanian people , for I love it with a love without limits . My sheep do no longer have shepherds , as their shepherds graze themselves and do not take care of My sheep , and they oppress them and scatter them and inflict many wounds on them , as they do not fulfill My Scripture , which says : « Freely you received , so freely give ». The shepherds of the church cannot give anything freely , for they did not received freely , as everything they have they took on money , and they got used to the money , and they sell Me on money , and My sheep are oppressed and trampled under feet by all passers-by . The shepherds of the church took the key of knowledge and neither do they want to be with Me , and nor do My sheep know My knowledge . Help those who are oppressed by unbelief and ignorance , as My word comes to you to ask for a dwelling in you , and be faithful and open to the Lord . I am . Be faithful . I have spread the manger of My word in Romania for more than forty years and I work by the word to fulfill its glory with Me and to prepare My second coming and to come with those that are eternal and to give redemption to the human kind and to work from Romania over the nations , with the light of My word . I am . Be faithful . My word is the river of life , which flows from My throne , but those that are not faithful in the church from Romania strike into the city of My word . Open the books of your time and look in them for the iniquities of the people of the church , who oppressed My Romanian flock and those who love Me in Romania . I had power from heaven come down on you and I supported you to watch over Romania , but take care of My country , because it is still oppressed by the people of the church , who stand against justice , holiness and truth . The people of the church clothe themselves too much with their empty glory ; too much do they defile My holy places . Too many people of lawlessness hid under the church cloak and deceive My chosen people . Work with My heavenly wisdom and bring to repentance all the sons of this nation , who hid themselves under My cloak and oppressed many of my righteous people . Receive light from the light and bring the darkness into light , as the man has been falling for seven thousand years by hiding . I want to give freely to those who want to have My gifts , and I want My gifts to be given freely . He , who wants to come after Me , let him deny himself and take his cross following