The Word of God in Romania 1997.06.08 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 4
not really have a mother to be only My mother; I, God, Who came from the Father by the Virgin?
If you call God „Almighty”, can God really not do anything? You, who make your image on paper,
on canvas or on wood, to be for your offspring, so that they may know their origin, if you are
allowed to make it, so that it may speak about you, (Photographs and pictures, r.n.), can I really
not have a voice on the earth through those that have been made for My name and are seen? (Pic-
tures, r.n.) Was the bronze serpent, which the man was looking at, so that he might not die, a
carved image? Was it an idol? Oh, the bronze serpent was My word fulfilled by Moses and put
before Israel as a sign, so that the venomous serpent might submit to it and to go back to its shelter.
Did I really come for you in one way and for others in another way? I came by Virgin and by
cross, by Virgin forever virgin, and by cross forever a sign for the man’s salvation. For those
who believe so, for those I came at that time and I have been with them, and for you I did
not come then. And he, who did not come first, how can he come the second time?
Oh, you who listen, not listening, I did not come for you, neither then, and nor now. And
if I was not born of a mother forever virgin; if I was not resurrected through the cross, by
the sign of the cross, by the wood which became salvation and blessing over those who are
faithful; if I did not come that way, of a mother forever virgin; if My cross is not loved by
you as a sign of salvation; if you do not want to see My image in the icon and if you say that
it is a carved image; if you say so, you will die in your sins, and I wash Myself of your blood,
as behold, I open My mouth to you, who call yourself the Adventist people. I do not come the
second time if I did not come on My first coming the way I came. Do you really say that all that
die into their sins are more sinful than all people? Yes, I say to you, if you do not repent of your
sins, which you do against My commandments, you all will perish likewise. The one, who repents,
stops committing sins, and the one, who does not stop, does not repent, and behold, I did not come
for you then.
I was born on the first day of the week. I was resurrected on the first day of the week.
I had the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, come on the first day of the week, as My seventh day
has been crushed by the man even since the man was in Paradise, and it has been crushed by
Israel, and I have no longer got rest for seven thousand years. My Father works and I also
work and We do no longer have rest and work to create the man again. I want to start with the
light. I want to start with every man on the first day. I want to make light in the man. I want
light and rest now, as I am always today. Amen.
The Lord is word over the earth. Let it be light on the earth! Amen, amen, amen. Let it be
light! Let it be light! And let all be in the light and let all be made of the light and in the light!
I spoke with you, Verginica; with you and with the people, which stays under the light of
My word. Let the man receive light from the Light on the earth. Let the people of My word be
light on the earth.
My people, you should be light from the Light, as I make them all again, as in the begin-
ning, and they will be all seen, soon, soon.
My word became word into your book, Verginica, as I was writing Myself into Moses’
book. Amen.