The Word of God in Romania 1997.05.18 - The Word of God on the fourth Sunday | Page 7
not to be separated from My Body and Blood, for it is written: «Who does not eat and drink My
Body and Blood, has no life in him».
Oh, how much do you give to say, you man of the church that got up to stand against the
slaughter, which is My word and which became the word before you! You say that the sons born
of My word, which is coming today with me on earth, are false prophets. But what is the false
prophet? I tell you again and again what I have told you, men of the church. The false
prophet is the one who speaks into the name of God and does not do the deeds of the Lord’s
justice, but rather helps the hands of evil doers, so that no one may come back from their disbelief.
(See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism”, r.n.) Ask the Scriptures and see
from them what the false prophet, who relates his heart’s imaginations and nothing of the Lord’s,
and thus lying to My people. And here is what I still tell you: the false prophet is the one who does
not want Me to come as written into the Scriptures that I would come; it is that one who lies and
hides the truth of the Scriptures about the Son of the man Who is coming again, for this is what I
said: «I come soon, be ready, I come soon! Watch out for My coming!».
Oh, people of the church, you, who do not believe or pretend that you do not believe that I
am this word; you do not believe that I am not ready to come. You do not believe because you do
not like to fulfill My word which says: «Watch!». You do not prepare for My coming, and that is
why it is better for you to say that you do not believe that I come as a word on earth, as the
lightning which travels from east to west, (Published on the internet - like lightning, and can be
seen from east to west, r.n.) not as the false prophets say: „Behold, He is in the wilderness; behold,
He is into the rooms!” Not this way, but rather I cross the air like the lightning and proclaim the
eternal Gospel to all the creature as it is written and cry: «Fear God and worship the One Who
made the heaven and the earth!», for I come soon. (See the selection topic: „As lightning that
comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord”, r.n.)
You, people of the church, who read the books of the holy fathers, look into them and see
that they wrote what is today in your churches, and they also wrote about the one who stands for
Me. The fathers wrote about the dark angels who pretend to be the angels of light. And who are
these dark angels? They are those who live in debaucheries and iniquities, hidden under the adorn-
ment of the holiness, (Under the garment of a priest or of a shepherd, r.n.), standing against the
truth, which is clean and which shows up the hidden iniquity. But My word came to judge those
made in the darkness, and the angels of the light are those, who do My will among the people, and
with whom I go from place to place to wake up and to harvest those that are Mine, and whose
names are written from the foundation of the world into the Book of Life. Amen. (See the selection
topic: „The true church”, r.n.)
You who teach the people after your likeness and not after My likeness; you, who put aside
God’s commandments and take those of the people; you, who buy thrones and ranks in the church
on dirty money, stop doing what is evil before Me and against Me! Wash yoursel ves! My Word
cries into the wilderness to prepare My coming, as I come to search out My flock and to put it on
My right side, as My flock knows My voice; it knows My word; it knows Me as the Shepherd
coming from heaven. Do no longer shout against My people chosen from the Romanians. Do no
longer wonder that My people does not submit to you, since you do not testify God in spirit and
word by your own deeds. Do no longer stay into My name over the church, if you do not like to
do My will in your body and spirit. Stop deceiving God, o people of the church. Do no longer love
sexual immorality, drunkenness, and the idols of the world of today! Do no longer claim for the
sons of My word, who listen to Me, to submit to you. Rejoice because I have an obedient people