The Word of God in Romania 1997.05.18 - The Word of God on the fourth Sunday | Page 4
darkness is, and you tell them that what enters the mouth does not defile the man and that
every food is clean. Behold, I write a book for you and I tell you that the food is not meat.
The food is food and the meat is meat. The food is that what I told the man to eat from the
beginning, (Gen: 1/29 3 , r.n.) and what man eats, he takes it himself; I do no longer give him, for I
gave him and the man did not like and ate meat, and when I saw this, what more could I do to the
man? I could not do anything, as I can do nothing with you either, you who say that are God’s
servants. I cannot do it with you, and I cannot be holy in you either. You flee from the word which
comes from Me, from the Father, and which gives light to the people. My word is the truth. Why
do you not take it to put it over the people and to give them life from My life? But you give them
life from your life, and you are sinners. Oh, why do you not want the salvation of the people as I
wanted it? I did not do what you do. You hide from people, and when you come out to them, you
pose as My servants and as masters over the people. I was also withdrawing from the people and
from My disciples and I was hiding to pray to My Father for My people, and then I was coming
again into the middle of the people with the word of the everlasting life. But when you stay hidden
from the people, you go and enjoy yourselves and eat and drink, and do not do what I did; I was
crying to My Father for the man. (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or
what comes out of him?”, r.n.)
Why do you not receive My word? Is it really because the sons of My word are small and
without any rank? But do you not know the Scripture, which says that «God is in the counsel of
the righteous?». Is it there that you are afraid of fear? There, where there is no fear? There, where
I am in the counsel of the righteous? It is written into the Scriptures: «The Lord looks down from
heaven on the children of men, to see if there are any who understands, who seeks after God,
but every one of them has gone back and they have become filthy together. There is no one who
does good, no, not one. But all the workers of iniquity will know, all who eat up My people as
they eat bread, that I am the hope of the poor, but you have put to shame the counsel of the
poor, and you were in great fear, where no fear was». Oh, you are not afraid of the evil and sinful
man, but rather you are afraid of the man who lives in My wills; of that one you are afraid. Oh,
you are fearful and you set yourselves as a shield on some priests of whom you say that they are
good and heavenly on the earth, and then, you say that you are with Me, but you also forced them
to strike into the word of the truth, which comes with Me in this time; the word comes to judge the
iniquity on the earth, as this is what I said: «It is not I, but the word that will judge you».
I write you a book and I tell you not to misinterpret My Scriptures. They are Mine and of
those who love them doing My will, which is written into the Scriptures. I said that: «Nothing
from outside the man that going into him can defile him». And what is this Scripture about?
Behold I come as an interpreter in the house of My Father and I read once again and again, from
the Scriptures and I interpret it: those from outside the man, which enter him, are not the man, and
they are from his outside, not from his inside. These come from outside and go back outside on
the way of the belly. The way of the belly is for those outside the man that come out of the man
through the belly, the food being clean, but what comes out of the man, it comes from his heart
and that defiles the man. A defiled heart by sin gives out of it those that are wicked; it gives out of
it all the evil thoughts: fornication, killing, theft, greed, craft, lying, envy, arrogance and frivolity,
and all these defile the man; they defile the man’s spirit and body, as all come out of the man and
do not come from his outside, as the food comes on the way of the belly and come out of him on
the same way. And why did I say so on that day when I spoke about this? I spoke for those who
«And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth,
and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for (your) meat.» Or «These will
be your food.» Gen: 1/29, r.n.