The Word of God in Romania 1997.05.18 - The Word of God on the fourth Sunday | Page 2

iniquities , and for his carelessness towards God , as instead of serving God , he was serving idols . The one chosen by God to be the choice vine was serving the devils made by him , and I had mercy on the Israel among the nations of the earth ; I had great mercy on him and I called him with a new name ; I called Romanian , the one chosen by My Father for Me to be a people of new vine for Me , a vine from heaven , and to bind the donkey ’ s colt to its choice vine and to wash My garment in the blood of grapes . I am the vine , and he is the branches , as I told to those from Israel , the remnant who has sided with Me : « I am the vine ; you are the branches ».
I chose those of today and I have gone with them to the gentiles , for Israel did not want to be with God , and he was uprooted and planted in a desolate and thirsty land , and he was mingled with the nations of the earth . But I want to make him wise and to bring him back to the first love , when his fathers , Abraham , Isaac and Jacob loved Me and proclaimed Me that I had to come as the Reconciler in the end of the time . Amen .
I came two thousand years ago , and I bound My foul to the vine and I washed My garment in wine and My eyes were red with wine . But the vine of My Father did not recognize Me as her Master that came from the Father , and cut Me down put Me together with the lawless ones , and I washed My garment in wine , as Israel , My vine , did not receive Me , and My eyes were red with wine , as I was angry with Israel like a drunken man ; I was angry with My vine and she was thrown to the ground , and the passers-by passed over it and trampled it . And I came again , for two thousand years had passed since those from Judea fled into the mountains , as I declared by the word . Two thousand years had passed , and even at that time I spoke about this time that , « The sun will be darkened , the moon will not give its light , the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heaven will be shaken ; and then the Son of the Man will appear in the sky . Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn while seeing My glory . And I will send My elected ones for harvesting with a great sound of a trumpet , so that I may gather together My chosen ones from all the gentiles ». And behold , as in the days of Noah , the people are drinking , eating and going to weddings ( See the selection topic : „ As in the days of Noah ”, r . n .) and one will be taken and the other will be left , as it is written , because it is very little watch for My coming on the earth , and no one is expecting Me to come and to bind the donkey ’ s colt to the choice vine and to wash My garment into the blood of grapes .
It is written for this time that I would come and I will be called the Word of God . ( Rev : 19 / 13 , r . n .). It is written into the Scriptures , but who is to tell the people about My second coming ? There are no more teachers on the earth to tell the people about My second coming . Oh , there is no one to tell them that I come , and even two thousand years ago I said : « I come soon !», and I have told to the bride of My Spirit to say : « Come , Lord , come !».
The priests of the church do no longer speak about the book of John , who I appeared to , so that I might announce the times of My coming . I showed John My coming in the word , and he wrote this : « I saw the heaven opened , and the Faithful and True One coming on a white horse to make war for Him , for truth , for He is the truth ; and His eyes are a flame of fire ; and on His head are many crowns ; and He has a name written , which no one knows but He Himself ; and on Him a garment sprinkled with blood ; and armies from heaven , following Him on white horses ; and out of His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which He strikes , and He rules with a rod of iron and He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God , and His name is called the Word of God , a name written on His garment and on His thighs : „ King of Kings and Lord of Lords ”». This is what I proclaimed through John , My servant , so that the teachers may receive knowledge from heaven and to teach the people about My coming and My word by