The Word of God in Romania 1997.01.14 - The Word of God at the Feast of St. H | Page 2
wicked deeds of the world from your midst, and I speak in the Spirit of the
Truth, Whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him and it
does not know Him, but you, My people, you know Him, for He remains
with you and He will be with you. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The
New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.)
Oh, the world does not see Me. But you see Me, sons, because I am
in you and I am alive in you, and you are alive as I promised over those that
are Mine. I come with you in the middle of the multitudes and I announced
Myself as word coming with the clouds, and if someone loves Me, will keep
My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and will make a dwelling at
him, as We made Jerusalem at you, living son. The ruler of this world has
Portraits of Christians
nothing in Me, and he, who will keep My word and will love Me, will be
taken out from under the ruler of the world and he will
be translated into the kingdom of My Father, which is
with you, sons who are My living Jerusalem, build by
Me of the living sons.
Oh, what kind of house is the man going to
build Me? Was it not I who created the heaven and the
earth as My house, My throne and My footstool? I am
He, who builds. My hands laid your foundation, Jeru-
salem of My glory, and also My hands are to finish it,
until the glorifying in it of the One Who comes visi-
bly, (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible
way”, r.n.) as I come with the clouds, Jerusalem, and
I will let Myself be seen on My coming to you, and
every nation will walk into My brightness and yours,
My citadel of sons, the citadel of My love, My living
temple from Romania. I come with the saints in you and I celebrate a
feast of saints, and I comfort you, Jerusalem, My comfort. We comfort
each other, son. The spirit of comfort is the spirit, which enshrouds us in
one flesh, the Bridegroom from heaven and the bride from earth, as it is
written: «The two will be one flesh». (See the selection topic: „The
Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)
When I was born a Child from the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin, I
was circumcised at the age of eight days, to have the sign of Israel on My body and to be able to
work over Israel as one who rose from the middle of Israel. Israel was circumcised in its body
but it was not circumcised in its heart and ears because it did not
receive the coming of the Righteous One. I became Man from
the man, and I was circumcised at eight days old to redeem those
that were not circumcised in heart and ears, and who has always
stood and stay against the Holy Spirit, and behold the circumci-
sion is nothing; it has no other power than to crucify God. I was
circumcised, as then when I had to show Myself as true God of
the true God, to be known that I came from heaven and I became