The Word of God in Romania 1997.01.07 - The Word of God at the Feast of the N | Page 4

1997.01.07 the people, the mysterious word, which comes from above and gives birth to the man from above, birth from the Word, which gives eternal life for the man. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.) Oh, it is a heavenly celebration of the new birth! The little angels of the heaven sing glory to the One born two thousand years ago among the people, and they sing a new carol of new age, of new birth, for they see that the days of the new birth of the world have come; a birth of the Word, the Child born two thousand years ago among the people. The One Who appeared as light two thousand years ago is being born today as word, the voice of the light which appeared then, like the lightning which appears and hides and its voice, which is heard, remains; mysterious Shepherd, mysterious word, which is not seen but its voice is heard, as the voice of the light- ning is heard after the lightning is heard. I am the One Who is being born and the One Who gives birth, as it is written: «The two will be one flesh», the One Who is being born and the One Who gives birth, as Father made Me the Son of man. I came down from heaven and I became flesh from the Holy Spirit in the Virgin and I became Man, as it is written: «The man will leave his father and his mother and will join with his wife, with his bride, and they will be one flesh». (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and of the woman”, r.n.) I came from the Father and from the Virgin mother and I joined with My bride, with My church, where I let My body to be one flesh with her, (Lord's body and blood of Holy Communion at Mass, r.n.) and that she may be My members, and she is My body, and both of us to be one flesh, as it is written. But I cannot speak this great mystery with the man as in heaven, for the man joined with debauchery and became one flesh with it, and he says that he fulfills the Scripture of My word, but the mystery of this Scripture is in God, and the man has to understand the mystery of this word; and the man has to be born again; to be born from above, as I came as word from above; I came from the Father as word to give birth to the man from heaven and to become one flesh with the one who receives the adoption. Amen. («The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood dwells (“abide(s)”) in Me, and I in him», John: 6/56, r.n.) Oh, the days of the birth are in you, Romania country. The mystery of the birth of the new man, the days of the new birth of the world are in you, country of the birth of My word. It is My birth on the earth, Romania, and I am being born in you. I am being born of Me as word in you, to be with the people, to dwell among the people as the word of the birth of the man from God. You sing My birth, and the heaven sings your new birth. We are being born to each other, My love; I for you, and you for Me, and we both will be one flesh, Bridegroom from heaven, and bride from earth, a pure wedding, Bridegroom and bride, and the noise of our wedding will com- prise the whole earth, (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) and the Father’s sons will be born out of My wedding with you, and they will receive the adoption, for it is written: «Those who believe in Me, I will give them the power to become God’s children, who are being born not of blood, nor of the fleshly lust, nor of the will of man, but of God», of Me, the Son of the Father, the Son Who becomes one flesh with the one who believes in Him, so that the two will be one flesh. The days of the new birth of the world are in you, Romania country, and carols are sung at birth, loved daughter, as the little angels sang in the night of My birth. I come into your midst with My people, with My bride taken out of you, Romania daughter, and I sing you a carol of new birth to fulfill through you the Scripture of the new birth of the world, 4