The Word of God in Romania 1997.01.07 - The Word of God at the Feast of the N | Page 2

man ! Oh , who among the people would have been able to humble as You did ? Oh , You humbled so much , that You came from heaven and entered my bosom and my mouth was giving birth to You as word , as You were the One Who was being born , the One Who was becoming word before Your people , oh , mysterious God , mysterious Shepherd ! The days of Your birth are with You as word into the midst of Israel of today , born of You , mysterious Shepherd . Oh , who else can take the life of this little child , Who is being born as word into His manger , into the people born of His word in me ? Oh , how mysterious You are , Who are always being born ! Your mystery is mysterious , Lord Word . Like the lightning , which comes from the East and appears in the west , is Your mystery , and no one can crush it , as this is Your coming , and who can prevail against Your coming , Lord Word , Who comes like the lightning ? The lightning appears and hides , and its rumble comes after it and it is heard , but the lightning , which gives birth to its rumble , is not seen anymore ; it hides and its voice remains and is heard . The lightning and its voice . The Lord and His word . The light and its whisper and then its voice , as the Lord is the light which appears for a little while and His voice is being born of it , its voice , for the Lord is the light which is seen and which is not seen . ( See the selection topic : „ As lightning that comes from the east , so is the coming of the Lord ”, r . n .)
The Light is the light before the light , the light from the time of the light and the light after the light , the Lord , the Father ’ s mystery on the earth . And when the fullness of the time came , the Father God sent His Son , born of the woman , born under the law , to redeem those under the law and to achieve the adoption , and to those who become sons , God sends them the Spirit of His Son into their hearts , Who cries : « Father !». He cries out the Father ; the Son cries out from the sons , the Spirit of the Son of God cries out of the sons : « Father !».
Oh , Your mystery is great , mysterious God ! Give wisdom to the people , good Lord , for if You become wisdom in Israel , the people come and receive , for the sons of the little garden of Your word became sharers of Your kingdom over the people , Lord . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .)
Oh , anointed sons , behold who is your life ! Receive and give life to the people . Breathe life on the people , sons , so that the people may rise , as the people ’ s resurrection is the Lord Who is born into the people .
It is a celebration of the birth at the manger of the word . The little angels of the heaven sing glory to the One born two thousand years ago among the people , and the little angels sing a new carol of the new birth , for they see that the days of the new birth of the world have come , a birth from the Word , as the Lord , the Child born two thousand years ago among the people is being born again today in your manger , so that He may give Himself over to the people , a mysterious Shepherd and to shepherd the nations of the earth with an iron staff , with a mysterious word , which is not seen , but the voice of the word is heard the same as the voice of the lightning is heard after its light . Amen .
− Oh , loved daughter , My Verginica , what a mystery is the mystery of your word taken out of Me ! How beautiful you share Me ; how complete you show Me , what a mysterious birth you give to Me when you make Me word in My inner being ! For you are in Me , your new Jerusalem , and you are being born as word of Me , and I am your word . I am being born in you , and I am the fruit . I am the One Who is being born and the One Who gives birth , as it is written : « The two will be one flesh », the One Who gives birth and the One Who is being born . Amen .