The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.13 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 2

new heaven and the new earth will remain before Me , and your tribe and your name will endure forever ». And if so it is written in the Scriptures , behold , the heaven and the earth pass away and My words have been fulfilled with the new heaven and the new earth and with My people that will endure forever , according to My promises , according to the Scriptures , Israel . And if I was born as the Son of man two thousand years ago , and if My Father gave birth to Romania once with Me , and if I was to have a people in the end to come to it as the word , behold , I spread My manger into Romania and I become the word of new making in it , as the making from the beginning . In the beginning everything started at My word and it was not possible to be worked out otherwise in the end ; it was not possible not to be worked out in the end for I said : « I am the Alpha and the Omega ». I am the Word of God in the beginning and in the end , for all are made by the word and nothing is made without the word . You should know My people that nothing is made without the word . The man thought that God is something else then His making , the making that was in Him , as it was in the man . But the man being disobedient did no longer know , and he began not to know and that is why I said to the man : « Man , you will find God nowhere but in you , if you put Him in you ».
Oh , Jerusalem , the land of Romania bears on it the mystery from the beginning , My working word . Why does he hold this mystery on it ? Because Romania is the land of My choice and My nation elected again . And why did I choose this land ? Oh , I did not choose . It was a chosen land and I established a chosen people , born at the same time with Me , beginning at My word , for I sent My anointed one to put My sign on this earth , the chosen earth with a mark on it and a man born of Me , My people , born of My word , born of a Christian , spirit and body , a man christened by the Christian , by My anointed , by My apostle first called .
It is a feast of a saint Andrew in your midst , Jerusalem , people of the feasting of the heaven on the earth , for I am with the saints in My coming to you . Andrew , My apostle blesses upon Romania . My apostle blesses from Me :
− From You , Lord , Jerusalem from above , for in You all Your saints rest , Lord . And if You are with the kingdom of Your word in Romania , Your saints are with You , and they come together at Your feast , at Your word , Lord , and the saints speak from You and testify about You from Romania , a chosen people on a chosen earth , chosen from the beginning , Lord , sealed from the beginning to be chosen to the making out of the fullness of the times , so that all may be in You again , those from the heavens and those on the earth , all in You .
May You , Lord , be blessed , You Who are , Who was and Who come , for You chosen Romanian people before the creation of the world , arranging it in Your love , to be Your Son , according to the counsel of Your will , to the praise of Your greatness , Lord , so that all may be in You , those from heavens with those from the earth , all in You , for in Your queen country You brought together those from the heavens with those from the earth , the heaven held together in Romania , Your queen country , Your bride country , a country with a King , oh , a King with a Queen ! No one knows sufficiently the mystery of the chosen land in which You came as a word in the end , You Who are the Alpha and the Omega . The man does not understand the work of Your word in Romania , Your new creation , Your work of creation , Your word , Lord . I was Your messenger to put Your name and Your life upon the Romanian people , and I did not know then what this land was , but now , I bow down to You in it and kiss it , for then I did not know ; I did not know its mystery from the beginning . It was Your mystery , Your coming , Your word , Your manger in which You become the word in the end as You were in the beginning . I bow down and kiss this land as You have always been kissing it with the sweetest word , for when You worked the word for creation of the heaven and of the