The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.08 - The Word of God at the Feast of Saint | Page 4
saints of the heaven sing about you; you are lighted by the stars of the sky, which gathered together
over you to lead you to the spring of the word which is being born into your manger, in the Israel
taken out of Romanians, Romania country, the country of the Lord’s coming to the people. (See
the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.)
I pray in You, Lord, for Romania, the one chosen by You, and for Your bride out of it, for
Your little people, to give it what You also give to me, and to have it as light and candlestick of
light in Romania for all the nations of the earth, Lord. Give comfort to Israel; give it all the love;
give them all the saints as help, as a gift, for we, Your saints, give ourselves to them with love; we
give ourselves with all the longing, as we long to see Your mystery of the new age fulfilled in the
sons of Israel of today, Your beginning of the new age, of the new man in the man, Lord. Give them
Your love, to love You with it, as You gave it to me when I was looking for the most beautiful one
among the people. Come always, as great is Your coming and the joy of Your saints who are into
Your coming, oh, Bridegroom of Your saints in heaven and on earth; for the little ones are blessed
by the great ones, to be great, and so that the little ones may be Your kingdom on the earth, Yours
and Your saints. Amen.
Oh, little sons, little bride of the most beautiful Bridegroom, love one another as I also
loved Christ. This is what love is and the One that is loved by you. Love the Lord as He loves you.
Love each other with the Lord, and love one another loving the Lord. The Lord is coming and He
will come. The Lord is coming to you, little Israel, so that you may have His garment on you. The
Lord is coming to you; He has always come, for you to have a garment on Christ.
Let Your bride have You, Lord; Let her have You as garment, as I had You after my birth
from You, the root of the new man, born in You, clothed in You, a new man, Christ in man, Bride-
groom and bride, one body, as it is written into the Scriptures. Amen. I become in You prayer for
Israel, oh, my Bridegroom. I become holy prayer, incense in You, and a fragrance of good aroma
before You for those little of Yours. And come into Your visible glory; come Lord, as the spirit and
the bride say: «Come!». Amen.
− I come, Jerusalem; Jerusalem from heaven and from earth. I come, and here is how I
come. The heaven and the earth are joined into My coming, for I come. My coming is blessed;
My kingdom in My saints in heaven and on the earth, My wedding with My bride. My Word is
My coming. Israel, My coming to you and your standing before Me for My coming, are blessed.
And behold, the people drink and eat and go to weddings, and My word calls out over the earth to
bring together those that are chosen, to be the ones that are.
I am the Son of God, sitting on the right side of the Almighty One and coming with the
clouds of the sky. Who will separate Me of My love for you, loved Israel? The unbelief from the
earth and its chosen ones? Oh, Israel, Israel, your faith in My word will work and will bring
together into one fold, into one body all those from the earth who will be, as all those who will
be will remain, so that they may be. Those who will be found watching for My coming will remain,
so that they may be, and they will be comforted from everlasting to everlasting, and they will be
the comfort of comforting and they will be. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).