The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 8

1996.12.04 − I am with Romania, mother. I have been glorified within her for forty years. I have been preparing for seventy years My mystery that is in her. My people is My mystery in her. I wanted to give birth to it in her. I gave it birth during bad weather; I gave it birth during the time of her birth, to have it as the people of My coming. May your love be blessed mother, as My people blesses you, and from it everybody that did not bless you yet will bless you. Israel, My little people, you are My mystery; you are My feast on the earth; you are the white horse that My word sits on, as I also sit on cherubim. Oh, with whom shall I speak on the earth such a word, well Israel? And behold, the man does not understand. The people have names of wise men, philosophers, poets, scientists, theologians. The people have names, and they do not understand My name. Those who gave themselves a name do not understand your mystery with Me, My mystery with you. The people are without mind; they are without God in their living and in their mind. Give My grace to the people; give My word to the people. Whether they want it or not, whether they believe it or not, this is God’s word on the earth. The sower seeds Himself to take root in the people, so that the man may have root in God. Amen. I give My peace to the people who want My peace. And you, peace to you, sons of Israel! Peace to you! You should know, Israel, that I am your peace. Amen, amen, amen. * Oh, children and little children of My Spirit and body! I would stay with you forever. I would turn the night into day; I would make the weather stand still; I would always stay with you as I love you, and I would love you until you become like Me in everything, until you fall in love with Me as much as I am in love with you. Oh, children and little children, I come again into Verginica’s book; I come with her. I come with My mother, through whom I came from the Father. I come with cherubim, as they are My will, and they are My coming from the Father to you and from you to the Father. Oh, children, and little children, get used to stay in the body, in one body, in My body and spirit, as you, who are, are one body and one bread. Get used to be, sons. And let the strong one also be from his strong place; and let the weak also be from his weak place, but let them be, as I came into the world as light to you, so that anyone who believes in Me may not remain in the darkness, as I do not speak from Me, but the One Who sends Me, the Father, He Himself commands Me what to say and what to speak, because the Father loves you, and He is in Me, and He is in love with you, and the lovers would never separate from each other. They feel how the eternity embraces them; they feel the joy embracing them. This is how the Father is in love with you, and I am the eternity and the joy of the Father; I am He Who embraces you making the Father rejoice in Me. From book to book I pass to you and after you; from cradle to cradle I swing with you between heaven and earth, and I tell you heavenly parables of saints and angels, as I tell fairy tales with Princes Charm- ing and fairies to the little children. Behold, I am in love with you, and Father is in Me to keep you and to teach you in one single body with its members. Look how the members stay in the bodies and how they listen to their ruler, the soul, dear little sons. I am your soul, children of My body and My Spirit, and you are My body, My last church, My coming back house, My house of heavenly guests on the earth. No one among the people knows to sing the love to Me, to increase My love, as the people do not live My love; they live another love; they have other growth in them; they are of another dough and they have been looking for the good and love for seven thousand 8