The Word of God in Romania 1996.10.14 - The Word of God at the Feast of the P | Page 2

Verginica , with a synod of saints , and you are My trumpet , the trumpet before the appearance of My glory , as when the seventh angels sounds his trumpet , the mystery of God will be seen complete , and We work at this appearance , Verginica , but the man of this age , the wise of this age does not know ; he does not know the God ’ s mysteries . He knows other mysteries ; he knows to look at those that I made and to tell it to the world that he made them , that he found them , and he grazes his sheep with those that he did not make , for he does not go in through the door , because One is the good Shepherd , Who comes in through the door and does not climb up over it . Oh , Verginica , My trumpet , I make you be known to the world that you are My trumpet , for I had spoken through you in the beginning , and I said that you would feed many multitudes with My heavenly pasture , and behold , I make you a word upon the multitudes to fulfill My promises , so that the multitudes may know what the Scriptures and their fulfillment mean . You are in Me , and this is your place , the place from where you speak over Israel , the well from where your words spring over Israel .
− I , Lord , am carried by Your bosom , by Your Spirit , as You are the door that I come in through to take care of my people and for You to have it as Your people , for neither shepherd that You have , wants to give You the flock and the work ; he says that it is his flock , his work ; this is what he says . But I say like You , because You also say that You give Your work and Your flock to the Father , and You submit Yourself to the Father with all Your earning , Lord . I say like You , Lord , as for You I have labored , to give birth to this people in pains and that You may have , Lord , a people , for behold , You need a people , so that You may have where to come on the earth to perfect Your heavenly mystery that is written in the Scriptures about , the mystery hidden from age and not known ; but now it is known , Lord . You are the mystery , You , Lord , the One Who came from the Father and of the Virgin , a Man among people , Spirit and truth , word and body , body and word , Lord , for today you are body and word upon this people that I gave birth for You in pains , Lord . Oh , You should not forget of my pains ; You should not forget that I laid down my life for the sheep of this people , Lord , as the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep .
You helped me , Lord , to love Your people , and I loved it both on the earth and I also love it from heaven , as even now You help me to love it and to shepherd it , so that You may have a wellbred people at Your great coming , the visible one , Lord . Your coming is great even now , as behold how You come , and I see , Lord , for I am in Your coming with the saints , but the eyes of those that are prevented from seeing do not see until the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed , as Your coming with the saints of Your glory is great and honored . Your coming is great , Lord ; there has passed two thousand years over it . Your coming has two thousand years , and the man does not see Your glory that You came with and which You have come with , and which You will let it to be seen ; however , the man does not understand what God means . Oh , come Lord with a great miracle on the earth , so that the man may understand what God means ! Come , come and become visible and make Your coming visible , so that the man may understand what God between heaven and earth means , from beginning to end , as it is written : « In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth », and in the end it is written about a new heaven and a new heart , Lord , made by You , as You are the beginning and the end ; You are the Alpha and the Omega ; You are the One Who is and Who was and Who comes , Lord . I am Your witness from heaven , as I also was on the earth in the time of my body with You . I testify about You to My people , and I testify about You to the world , Lord . I testify about Your Mystery , Lord , for there is no more time ; it was , but it is no longer , as it is written that « There shall no longer be time , but in the days when the seventh angel speaks , when he is to sound his trumpet , then the mystery of God will be finished , as it was spoken by the prophets ».