with her ! And then I gave her water from the well of My word ; I gave her spirit and truth , and it became a spring of living water in her , as this is what I told her : « He who drinks from the water that I give him will never go thirsty , and it will become a spring of living water in him », My living water will become spirit and truth in him . How beautifully I spoke with that wise woman , that I liked her wisdom , her knowledge , her faith in Jesus Christ , Who was written about into the Scriptures that would come . I met with her at the well , and speaking about the well , I managed to make her know what the well is and what water is and what spirit and truth is , Israel ; and I want to teach you too , Israel , the same way , to get used son , to know what it means worshipping the Father in spirit and truth .
Give Me , Israel , give Me , son , to drink and to be able to understand with you like with the Samaritan woman , son Israel . I told her : « Give Me to drink of your little wooden pale ». And she said : « You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan , and the Jews are not friends with Samaritans ; how comes that You say : „ Give Me to drink ?” And I answered her : « If you knew the gift of God , and who it is Who says to you , ‘ Give Me a drink ’, you would have asked Him , and He would have given you living water ». I was working upon her to open her wisdom and knowledge , for she was wise , and she replied to Me : « Lord , You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep . From where then have You that living water ? Are You really greater than our father , Jacob , who gave us the well and drank of it himself , as did his children and his cattle ?». Then I said to her this : « Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again and drinks again when he thirsts , but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life ». I was working upon her with the spring of My word , so that she may understand who I am , as she had power of faith and wisdom , and she understood My speaking and then she said : « Lord , give me to drink of this water , so that I do not get thirsty , neither come all the way here to draw ». And then I cleaned her of her sins that I spoke to her about , and she saw in Me a prophet and asked Me about the worship , as she wanted to worship God and to belong to God . This is what she said : « Our fathers worshipped in this mountain and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship ». She wanted to understand who comes to worship the Father , and I revealed it to her the true worshipping and I told her : « Woman , believe Me that the hour comes , when neither in this mountain , nor in Jerusalem , will you worship the Father ; for you worship that which you do not know , and we worship that Whom we know , as salvation is from the Jews . But the hour comes when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth , for the Father seeks such to be His worshippers ». And when the woman was careful to the words of life , she remembered of the prophets and said : « We know that Messiah is to come , Who is called Christ , and when He comes , He will declare all things to us ». And when I heard that she spoke about Me , I said : « I am He , the One Who speaks to you ». I revealed Myself to her , so that she might know that I came and I taught her . And then the disciples came with food and saw Me speaking with her and marveled that I was speaking with the woman , but they did not tempted Me about what I was doing , and she left her little wooden pail there and went into the city and told to many to come to the well in Sihar ( Sihem , r . n .) to see Christ . And then the Samaritans came to the well at Me , and I did not want to eat any more , as the disciples said to Me : “ Lord , eat .” But then My food was to do My Father ’ s will , Who sent Me from heaven to do His will , and I told them about the work of the harvest and about the reward of those who reap , who receive a reward and gather fruit for eternal life ; however , they rejoice together with the one who reaps , as the sower is one and the reaper is another one . He who reaps is not like the one who sows . He who sows works much , and he who reaps comes in the work of the one who sows and labors over the sowed crop field , and they rejoice together , as with God there is love ; there is the reward for the reapers , for they finish their work and gather the fruit for eternal life ; and the reaper rejoices with the one who sows , the sower with the reaper .