is the Son . The glory of God is Lazarus resurrected by the word of the Son . The glory of God is the Word . Amen , amen , amen . I say three times amen to you , so that you may understand God ’ s glory . Sons , you should not mix God ’ s glory with men ’ s glory . You should be God ’ s glory and only to God . Be the glory of My word , which is being fulfilled within you as it was fulfilled within Lazarus , who was risen from the dead at My word . ( See the selection topic : „ The glory of the Lord ”, r . n .)
Oh , dear little children ! Do you see what praying is ? It is God ’ s glory , which appears at its cry . It is the road on which the glory of the fulfilled word comes . This is how you should pray , Israel , as here is what I do : I search you out through the sons of My garden and I clarify all your queries , to teach you the work of the faith in the Son of God , Who stays with you by the word . You saw that it was by the word that God ’ s glory was worked out then in My speaking with Martha . Son , if you see that I have to help with your faith , call out and say : „ Help me , Lord in my unbelief ; help me to believe , as I believe ”. Son , be wise , as I help only the one who believes , and I add to him help , fulfilling those that he asks Me for by prayer , that is , showing him to see God ’ s glory , the fulfillment of his prayer . The prayer , which asks God , is in itself God ’ s glory . The prayer , which asks for the glory of man from God , glory for man , is in itself the men ’ s glory . I speak to you , dear Israel , and let the man receive hearing to hear ; let the man receive God ’ s speaking to come and wash away his sins ; let him come into a work of church , where he finds Christ , Who washes away the sins of the world . ( See the selection topic : „ The true church ”, r . n .)
You Romanian Israel , every man who says that he is a Christian , who claims that he is from the church and a son of the church ; every man who comes to church and does not partake of the Christ ’ s Body , to that one it is written violation towards My Body and My Blood . Let the man who goes to church go only to partake of the Lord . This means going to church . If you go more rarely , you commune more rarely , but if you go all the time that is why you always go , to commune always . Behold sons , what it is on the earth . Much ignorance , much sinfulness , much violation towards the Lamb of God , Who washes away the sins of the world ! But the world comes up to the door and it goes home still unwashed . Who is to tell the man what a great sin he does when he comes and sits during the time of the Lamb ’ s sacrifice and he does not take from the Lamb and does not sit at the table ? Why does such a man come to church anymore ? He comes for disobedience ; that is why he comes . He comes unprepared and commits the sin of violation towards God . He comes to lie by what he says , for it is not enough that he does not come close when he hears : „ In fear and love you should come close to the Holy of the Holies ”. ( At the Holy Mass , r . n .) It is not enough that he does not come close to take , but he also commits the sin of singing praise to God for making them worthy of the holy sacraments and he prays to be strengthened for the holiness all day . The priest lies too and the man who sings something else that what he lives lies as well .
Oh , man , do you not see that the Holy Mass is only for those who commune ; is it for those that are baptized and prepared for the Holies of the Lord ? You worldly man , the glory of God is something else , as it is written : « Let he who boasts , boast in the Lord », that is , to be united with the Lord in the body and blood . When My apostles were gathering together in the Lord , they were ending with breaking of the bread and with the believers ’ communion . That is why they were gathering together . There is no longer that time on the earth so that all the church may commune . But let all man know that I do not sit at the table with the unlawful ones ; I do not sit at the table . I do not dine with those who did not leave their sins so that they may have Me always in them , as it is written : « I will not dine with the unclean ones ». There are many dwellings where many people are gathered together before the breaking of My body , and the world does not