The Word of God in Romania 1995.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 2

fed on Him , and she was a virgin candle in the spirit and body ; she was an unquenched candle until the light of the candle became a baby within her , and a Man was born among the people .
Oh , Israel , what a big work the candle is ! ( Candle - vigil lamp , r . n .) The candle is watchfulness ; it is the light into the darkness ; it is the earnest of the light not conceived by the dark minds of those who do not watch . Oh , Israel , I want to have a lighted watch in you . I want you to be a wise virgin , My people , as I gave you wisdom , and you should have it if I gave it to you , and not go and buy from those that sell it . No son . You should have it from Me , and I have always told you to have a heavenly kingdom open before Me , a kingdom waiting for Me . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .) Did you see what I said , what the kingdom of heaven looks like ? I spoke about the ten virgins who went out to meet Me , taking their candles with them , and I said that half of them were foolish and only half of them were wise . The foolish ones took only the candles with them , but the wise ones took also oil in their vessels , ( Normally in the lamp is used only pure oil , cold pressed oil - untdelemn in Romanian , not refined , not pass through the fire , light of the candle represents wisdom born of love for God proved by fulfilling the word , as the flame of the oil lamp is born , r . n .) to have so that their candles may not go out . This means watchfulness and wisdom . Those who took oil into their vessels were prepared for waking , even if they were about to slumber waiting for their Bridegroom , as during the time of their waiting , they all slumbered and slept . But when there was a cry at midnight : « Behold ! The Bridegroom is coming !», they arose and trimmed their candles . The foolish ones saw that their oil was finished , that their candles were going out . The wise ones had vessels prepared with oil . If they had not been wise , they would have given of their oil to the others , who did no longer have , who did not prepare , and when they were asked for the oil , they responded with wisdom : « No so ; what if there is not enough for us and for you ? You go rather to those who sell , and buy for yourselves . We have . Take for yourselves ; take from those who sell ». And no sooner had the foolish ones left to those who sell than the Bridegroom came , and those that were ready came in at the same time with the Bridegroom to the wedding , and the door was closed after them . And when they that went to those who sell came started to cry at the door : « Lord , open to us !», but only the voice of the Lord came out saying : « I don ’ t know you ».
Oh , Israel , do you understand what it means for a man not to be known by God ? The man says out of his habit : „ God knows ; God knows my heart ; the Lord knows what he will do with me ; the Lord knows my trouble ”, and here is what I told the virgins that did not watch , that were unwise and without oil ; I told them : « Truly I speak to you that I do not know you ».
Israel , Israel , you should be careful , and you should have , so that you may not go to those who sell . I gave you , so that you may have . Do no longer go to those who sell . ( The church from the world , r . n .). Come son ; you have it as a gift . Those who sell have for those who buy . You have it as a gift . You have if you watch . You have if you take from Me . You have if you received from Me ; if you received , son . Oh , watch , so that you may have !
Do you see Israel , what watchfulness means ? To watch does not mean not to sleep any longer ; no , son . To watch means to be careful to have oil for the time when I will wake you up with the cry that says : « Behold ! The Bridegroom is coming !». Then , even if you wake up , if you do not have oil in your vessels for candles , you wake up in vain . ( Love of God in your soul , r . n .). You cannot go to those who sell then ; you are not able to come back from your way , as those who sell , have nothing to give you . Their goods are their goods ; it is not for you ; it is no longer good for the candle , for you candle . ( For your soul , r . n .). You have pure oil in your candle . ( Love of God , r . n .). You have because I gave it to you . How about going to buy from man ? I have also had