The Word of God in Romania 1995.11.21 - The Word of God at the Synod of the S | Page 5

it and for you , My country , as I gave it birth for you . Get up to believe , to believe what I say to you , as I exhort you towards repentance .
You are punished by your deed , loved country , and there is no peace between Me and you . You have been enslaved by lying . Wake up ! Brother has lied to his brother . You have cast out the one born of you ( King Michael , r . n .) and you lied to escape not guilty of your dirty deed . You did as Jacob ’ s children of old , who departed from their brother and covered their deed by lying . Oh , and how much did they pay for it , as they fell into slavery and into forced labor in Egypt !
Oh , Romanian people , you are a Christian people , and this is not a Christian deed , and your sin stays before Me against you . Romania , get rid of this sin . Have you not seen ? Have you really not heard how Israel , My people , suffered because of his brother casting away ? Romania , do you no longer fear God , My love ? I come with the spirit of comfort , with love and repentance over you . You are the mother of those born within you . You are My plan from the end of the time , loved country , and chosen country .
Romania , one of your sons cries , he cries after your hearth , he cries far away in Egypt . ( In exile , r . n .). Oh , what shall I really do to you ? Should I bring pain upon you so that you may know this sin ? Should I tear down all your towers in a whisper , all your mighty men , who set themselves against righteousness ? Not so , My dear . Do not let yourself fall down under the burden of your sins . Make peace to God . One of your sons cries ; he cries in Egypt , and it is heard in heaven . His anointment is put over his head upon you , as this was My heavenly plan . Mother cries after her son . He has Romania as mother . This mother was a swaddle and bandage , baptistery of baptism , house and board , cradle and food , nurse , teacher and home . And Edom got up , ( Those from the east , where from the communism came with the tanks , r . n .), an immoral people , which defiled with immorality the heart of My people chosen in the end , and it oppressed My child anointed with the oil of Romania ’ s blessing . I , the Lord , had worked through it for you , My country , to get you out of trouble and fighting , and what did you do ? You cast away the one from Me for you . I have always united brother with brother , loved country , and I have always taught you what it is love , unity and power , which is born of unity and love .
Oh , Romania , you cast away your waivode . Your waivode is from Me ; he is My anointed upon you . You cast away My anointment from you , My sign on your head . You put away the head of your body , the sign of God that is put over you , Romanian people . Oh , this sin is too heavy , and it cries to heaven . Your sacrifices are put on hold . The angels cry by your sacrifices of love , as they cannot raise them to heaven . Your saints cry , Romania , as you are not clean in the prayer „ Our Father ”.
You , from the gates of Romania , listen to the voice of the Lord ! I cry over Romania ; I call out from her gates , and I do not go beyond the gates . I call out to those within the gates and to those beyond the gates . Romania , the tear of the one who cries has a burning within it . I gathered tear by tear and I stay hand in hand with this full bowl . The evil angels slap over My hand to pour out the bowl of pain upon you , but the heart of the one that is castaway sighs to Me and asks for your forgiveness and prays for your resurrection . The heart of the one that is alienated from you turned into a wound longing for you , Romanian Israel . What do you want to do , Romania ? I am the One Who sees ahead of time . You have never committed any sins as you do now , and you have never suffered as you do now , but do you believe what I tell you ? Your priests serve to their own pleasures and spirit and their name , and they have no power to share resurrection upon you ,