The Word of God in Romania 1995.06.18 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 4

1995.06.18 Man may take Me into him, to give Me birth in him, to grow in him, and to inherit within him with My kingdom of the creation from the beginning; however, in man, the creation from man reigns, as the man also made a creation. He took of My creation and made with it his creation, and the man posed as God, and I do no longer have a throne in man. But I have a throne in you, child born of the word, and I brought you into the garden of the first creation, into the first living, and I told you that you should no longer know sin and no longer be known by sin; and I took into you the garden of heaven to eat from the tree of life and to live. Behold My people, I took you from the hands of the teachers who were teaching you and who were feeding you from their hands, for I reached to the hold of those who set themselves teachers and they took hold of Me and of those that are Mine, and I stay crucified and imprisoned under their hands and I cannot move because of the nails and I cannot get out to work through their mouths and by their way, for they are doing something else with Me. I have come to be merchan- dise for gaining to them, and they master over the ungrateful multitudes; they master under the name of teachers of Jesus Christ. These teachers teach people, if they teach, but they do not teach themselves at all. They do not do what I did to deify the man. They say that they deceive Me, but their deceit has fallen over their head, for I have created you and I have given you grace and I have rested in you, and I have marked down in good time a new peg and a new anointing and church, the same way as I have been working since My beginning among the people, and I left the middle of the vain glory, which was driving Me into a corner so that they may use My name over them. I could not stand humiliation, imprisonment and cross. I broke out the connec- tions and I got out and I gave birth to sons from stones, as it was written in the Scriptures and I rested in your midst, My beloved church. Oh, how much I have loved you, but do you really understand what I did for you in order to create you? Oh, how shall they not scream, they who kept Me in a fishing rod for their gain? They were making disciples for their gain, but you should make disciples for Me and you are making disciples for heaven and you are making an incorrupti- ble kingdom for God and are giving it to Me to rest into it, (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) for I have been resting into you, child born endlessly, born out of pains and of great trouble, and I have always been telling you not to be afraid, for I the Lord protect you and love you, and I come down before your face to give you My hand and to take you by the hand for that day without evening which is waiting for you to sit at the table with the saints, with a synod of celebration, for the saints are waiting for those left behind, as it is written in the Scripture which says: «All and everything are awaiting for the revealing of the sons of God». I have always told you to be clean and to be Orthodox and that you should not be like sectarians, who are not clean, as that is why they left the mother church. They left so that they might not be clean, and that is why they speak negatively about My mother, the Virgin, as they do not like to be clean. Behold son, the time has come to tell you a beautiful mystery, as the mystery of Christianity is great! It is great the mystery of the church where the Body and the Blood of the Son of God dwells, that was shown to the people by the Virgin! He, who loves Me, also loves My mother, the Virgin, who gave Me birth of cleanness. He, who loves Me and her, also loves virgin- ity; he loves cleanness, and he, who loves Me and My mother, becomes a virgin boy and a virgin girl. The mature Christian loves virginity and cleanness and flees from it as from hell and death; he flees from the fleshly lust, which spoils the virginity and cleanness. Here is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The world fights against you, My people, and is afraid that you may not contaminate it with cleanness and virginity; it is afraid that you forbid marriages and birth from the man; as the world does not know what I want to bring through you on the earth. Through you I want to bring the heaven on earth, and the man is afraid of heaven, as he wants to keep his lust forever, until My coming. It is a time for great preparation, son, and the man does 4