The Word of God in Romania 1995.05.07 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Página 2

at all and that is everything , as My people by now understood . My people did not look into the Scriptures to know how it comes to be a disciple of Jesus Christ , as they , who became My disciple then , would sell everything they had so that they might not be mixed up with them , and they would give themselves and their belongings to Christ ’ s disciples , and would enter My family whose had I was ; I , the Lord , I , the Son of the Lord , and they would go from place to place with Me , and they and I , were seedsmen . What do we seed ? We seed the kingdom of the heavens in the man and upon the man . Those who did so with their life , were wise and gained the kingdom of the heavens . You should not believe son of today , that if the Lord ’ s disciples died in their bodies seven thousands years ago , they are dead . This does not mean that they died . The bodies have passed away seven thousand years ago , because Adam and Eve put the death into the bodies , but only the bodies have passed away for a while , and you will see that these holy bodies have passed away only for a while , and they will get up soon , soon , that they will appear soon , soon . ( See the selection topic : „ Resurrection of the dead ”, r . n .) Sons , do you believe that the myrrh-bearing women and they who are now with Me at you have come with their bodies at you ? The saints have heavenly powers , and they have power to take their body back , and if they have , they have taken their body and are within the body , but their body is like Mine after the resurrection . I passed with My body through the wall and through a closed door . I did no longer use My pace on the road after the resurrection , and I moved from city to city and I went among those to whom I appeared . I carried My body from place to place by the power of the Spirit . The spiritual body is not seen by the fleshly bodies , but it is seen by those that are spiritual .
Oh , sons , sons , it is written into the Scriptures : « If the man has hoped in Christ only for this life , he is most pitiable of all men !». Behold , the man loses the endless life for the one now . The spiritual life is endless . He , who lives a spiritual life in his body , goes on with it , if the body passes into its rest until the resurrection of the new body . But he , who has a fleshly life in his body , he puts an end to the life of the body and receives the reward for the deed of the body ; he goes for hard work ; he does not go for a spiritual life near the Lord , Jesus Christ . The wise man knows to rule his house well and gets hold of spiritual eternity . The fool does not know what life is . He thinks that the life means only the time of the body and stays carelessly and builds whatever he wants , and then he finishes because his body dies , and then he sees that he was fool and he has deceived himself . My disciples did not think and do not think this way . They think in terms of holiness and choose the heaven on earth , and I pass them into the imperishable and forever comforting things , because the reward of their heavenly life on earth leads them there . The simple man chooses his flesh and those that are seen by the flesh . My work with you for forty years has been the work of ascension into the heaven , but My people did not want to be wise , and it remained with his body on him , poor Christian . But I will also have wise people and it is good for a man to be wise . The fool remains in his body and thinks like the fleshly man . The wise man elevates himself with in thought and heart to the Man of the Love . I am the Man of the Love . I am He Who gives the man love and eternal life through love .
The man , who has his body defiled by a fleshly lust , stinks before the heaven , and the heaven does not give wisdom to such a man . The thought of such a man stinks , and the spirit of the clean man rejects the spirit and the body of the man that is defiled .
It is a great thing for the man to be wise . Only the man who chooses the heavenly love and grows it within him with wisdom is called a wise man , as I and My followers up to you did . And I say again : blessed is the simple man ; that is the man without God ’ s love , who comes back like Mary Magdalene , My loved myrrh-bearing women , more loved than each and everybody of that time . She loved sin and flesh passionately , but she gave an even greater love when she came after