were your heart and sight ? Behold , I feel like getting angry with you , as you did not want Me come to life within you on the first day when you have come to Me . I should have also started the creation with you , as the creation starts with the first day , and on the first day the light is being made , you son without Me . I am always near you and you are still without Me . Why do you really not let Me in ? Do you know son , how is the man who does not have Jesus Christ in him ? Look at Me and at you , so that you may know once and to take Me into you ; to be as I am , and to testify about Me into the light ; to be light from the Light as I am Light from the Light , Father and Son . You should also be the same , light from the Light . Oh , what shall I really do with you Israel ? You have the light into your midst . Take , Christian , and eat and take the night out of you , as I am not night . I am day , son . The one with a sullen face has got another god . I do not bring darkness over the face and into the heart . Other god does such a thing in men .
Oh , My unforgotten people ! My apostles were going on and on with My word to strengthen the Christian cities , and behold , the same is today too . Let Me still keep your way ; to exhort you further for a tiny little while as there is still a very short time . I have always told you to obey My commandments , son . I told you , and behold , I also tell you to love God and the one who serves God . I told you not to make other gods for yourself . You shall not make other riches and lusts , and you shall not do your own will . I told you to respect God into everything that belongs to Him . I told you , Christian , not to kill , or commit fornication , or steal , or be greedy of someone ’ s goods . And behold , I have been telling you again : take Me freely within your own soul and ask Me to tell you what to understand and what to do with every commandment . Why were these commandments really written for ? They were written because people were doing these sins , and I wrote them down , so that these sins may not be done any longer .
I want to sound the bell of awakening . What does this mean what I want ? I want you not to shed blood any more , son ; this is what I want . You will say that you do not shed blood and that you do not kill , and that you do no longer kill . Sons , neither Israel said that he killed , because it did not know what it meant the covenant it was in . The covenant means blood . Israel had brought blood for sin . Israel had sinned and after that he had to wash the sin away by blood . It killed an animal or a bird and it paid the sin with blood . It had to shed blood for its sin . The blood from the man sinned , and the blood from the animals and birds was shed for man ’ s atonement . You are not obliged to commit sin , but it is a duty to give blood for sin . When blood was brought then it was known that someone sinned . Oh , what a shame , Christian ! For a man to commit sin and the animal to pay for the cleaning of man ’ s sin ! For a cattle or for a bird to die for the man ’ s sin ! And this was not enough , as the man was not cleansed yet , since he did not escape from sinning , since the man had sinned on and on to the end . I hear everywhere the man saying about his salvation through Me . The man boasts that I shed My blood for the sins of the people . This is nothing to boast about , and the man should be ashamed and shy and he should put himself right according to justice , as he needs no sacrifice and killing for righteousness . Well , sons of today , I did not tell Israel to bring animal sacrifices when they arrived in Canaan , but if they knew that for sins it was needed blood and sacrifice , and if they knew that they sinned , they brought sacrifices , but I did not tell them this . On the contrary , I told them : « I abhor your sacrifices and I am disgusted at them . Who ask you to bring them ?». I asked them to love Me and not sin . I told them not to kill , or commit adultery , or steal or lie , or do injustice . This is what I told them . It is a shame for an innocent bird , or lamb , or kid , or a young bullock to die for the sin committed by the man , and it is written into the Scriptures : « The earth will give up its dead , and the sea will give up its dead , and the hell will give up its dead ». And what will the man do ? As the man should also give up his dead , innocent beings swallowed by the man ’ s belly or killed for the sake of the sin . It is a shame for God to die in the place of the sinful man . It is a shame for the man to commit