The Word of God in Romania 1994.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Seite 2

with the salt of My word , which was flowing by the mouth and spirit of these heavenly servants on the world . I salted the world with My word through them , as after My ascension I told them this : « Go and preach that God ’ s kingdom has come near . Go to the ends of the earth and baptize those that believe in the name of the Father , of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ». Amen .
And behold , My people , you are the people from today that God speaks with on earth , as after I arose to life , I remained alive and I remained for the man , but the man did not understand what I said in the time of My ascension into heaven , as I said this : « Behold , I will be with you to the end of ages ». But how shall the unfaithful one believe , or the one slow to believe ? How , Israel , shall the unfaithful believe that I speak from heaven upon you ? That is why I want to come with you before the world , so that the world may believe that you are My messenger into the world , as I sent My apostles then . And you , like them , go now and tell again what they said . They said that the kingdom of God had come near . And what is the kingdom of God , Israel of today ? Did My apostles Peter and Paul , who were the first from the apostles , really lie ? Were they lying when they said that the kingdom of the heavens came near ? They said this , two thousand years ago , and you say this today , son . But what is the kingdom of the heavens ? But what the kingdom of the heavens is not ? Oh , sons , the kingdom of the heavens is not eating and drinking , it is not marriage and given into marriage . The kingdom of the heaven is eating of God ’ s word ; it is holiness and cleanness and it is the word of the Holy Spirit . The sons of this age marry and are given into marriage , but those that are worthy to be the sons of the kingdom of heavens , live an angelic life in their bodies ; they do not marry and are not given into marriage , and live like the angels in heavens , and the heavenly Father , Who is their Father , takes care of them . The kingdom of the heavens is with you , My people Israel of today , because you have My throne in you , My word into your midst . You are My people who has Me , the Lord , into your midst with My advice , with My commandment , son . I do not give commandments but to those who chose to listen to God , and those that do according to the will of their body are not God ’ s sons ; they are the sons of this age .
Tell My people , tell to the world , and do not be silent ; tell to the man from the world not to say that he is with Me . If he is with the life of this age , if he does not keep My commandments , let him not say that is with Me , as it is written : « Those that belong to Christ crucified their body and fleshly lusts , their desires and vain glory , which comes from man ». Teach , My people , the one who comes and asks you about what I speak with you ; tell him as My apostles said ; you should tell him that the kingdom of the heavens has come near , and you should tell them what the mystery of this godly word means . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .)
Israel child , do not go out from My kingdom ; do not go out from it , as outside are dogs , blasphemers , liars , fornicators , exorcizers , servants of the flesh and false prophets , who say that there is no God . Be careful , faithful Israel , as the false prophet of today is more deceitful than within the past ages ; as he uses My teaching to make you believe that he is with God . Be careful , as he comes with signs and miracles to make you depart from My kingdom , as he is jealous of Me when he sees that you love holiness and he does not . You get into his way of false work , as
you prove him a liar . The word of the one who speaks about God and does not love holiness and godliness and the truth with a holy life is a lie . The false prophet borrowed a humbled face and uses My name to defile My elected ones , those that chose to serve Me . Where did the false prophet borrow his humble face from ? From lying , sons . The humble face is lying , sons . A Christian that loves the heavenly kingdom has a clear face , holy , sweet and full of heavenly light ; that one is not ashamed before the people . A man like this shares the holy heaven to those on the earth . The man with a humble face is a liar , sons , and does not know humility . That one exposes the lie from his inside and is exposed by the faithful one who has the Holy Spirit in