The Word of God in Romania 1993.11.21 - The Word of God at the Synod of the S | Page 9
But I was the tree of life, and I was having fruit two thousand years ago, and I was the en-
trance door to the tree of life. I was the tree of life, and I also was the door to the tree of live,
and I arose and bound the devil for a thousand years and I reigned into My kingdom. But
you do not understand how this came, as the man who worshipped Lucifer, forced the sons of My
kingdom; he forced the one who believed in Christ to bow down to the beast that was made by the
man’s hand; and if he did not bow down, he was martyred for Christ’s testimony, as I had been
reigning in those that believed in Me and I had been overcoming by the blood that was shed into
My name and for My testimony; and I had been raising the crowds to belief and I had been reigning
and sanctifying the earth, and the devil was bound. Let him, who hears well, understand, as the
devil did not overcome My Christian, the sons of My kingdom that I was reigning over.
And here how strange you are from the beginning, Christian people from the end. As after
everybody of that time, when the devil was bound, overcame, I raised everyone to reign with Me
a thousand years and they are those that help you today, people from the end. This is My church
from the beginning, the first one, but behold, the one from the end, helped by a great many of
martyrs, who got up and reigned with power, let itself to be enticed by the devil, by the one who
was released for a little while, and the seed of error entered in believers, as the devil’s hidden face
remained in the people’s minds; and the sheep separated from the goats, and the sheep remained
only few and became goats and chose to the right and to the left. But the wondering wolf had
always sought the sheep, as they were few, and put the sheep and the shepherds in fear, and the
sheep did not fight and did not wake up the shepherds, and started to hide in the hills and in the
mountains, until they did no longer know the way to the cowshed. And behold, the church from
the end estrange itself from the beginning, as the sheep did not graze a known pasture and learned
to go astray without a shepherd and the sheep from the end did not longer know Me; they did no
longer know the shepherd’s voice. And what else God should have made than what it was written;
to start sounding His trumpets and announcing the way of the Bride’s coming to His wife, to His
church. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.)
But once with the trumpet sounding, behold, Gog and Magog (The communist dictatorship
and then the dictatorship of money, r.n.) received the devil’s release upon them to fill up the cup
of their errancy and then to be destroyed by the fire coming down from heaven, by the Spirit of
God, Which is to clean up the lawlessness from the earth. Behold also the end of this godly week,
which had carried into its midst the trumpet’s sounding of the covenant for the end God’s mystery
and for the cessation of the sacrifice and for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And if I came,
everything stopped if I came; and then I worked to save that was still to be saved and that is why
I said then that the seat of the kings was taken from the earth, and that those who want to reign
may stay like the Lord on the cross, and not otherwise. And it was not so! As the kings knew
nothing and remained at their place. But they do not have My kingdom, (See the selection topic:
„About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) and rather they have theirs instead; and it shall remain nothing
at the opening of the books, which will be read, as I said to this people; as this is what I told it long
ago: „Children of My people, it is still a little while and we will shake our hands, and we will read
the book of today’s prophecy, from the beginning to the end, in front of thousands and millions of
creatures!” And I said that „That day will be great, when I, the Lord, will prophesy in front of
many peoples and the first church will be built again.”