The Word of God in Romania 1993.11.21 - The Word of God at the Synod of the S | Page 12

1993.11.21 Christian, do no longer wear soft and thin clothing. Not this way, son. Until when so? I want you to be distinguished in the middle of those with a pagan life. The old Christians of your kinsmen had humble clothing, which covered the indecency of the body. Oh, I could not tell you that I did not like the cover of your body, Christian. You did not have love so that you may be and look humble in the midst of the people. You would have had more power in front of death, but you did not love life either. Oh, what kind of coat I would like you to have on! But I could not come upon you with this holy and decent law and you were not distinguished from the world this way too. And if I asked you now to be decent with your Christian clothing, you would say that you do not have money; this is what you would say, and you will say. But it is not so, Christian; do no longer stay like this; do not keep your hands in your pocket from now on. Oh, when I see your little coat that is so tiny, so tight, it hurts Me; you should know that it hurts Me, and you do not want to get out of the world. Do no longer keep your hands into your pockets, Christian. Break off the pocket of your coat and do not longer keep your hands into your pockets, and come to the work of My path; let us finish paving the path of My coming which is seen by every eye! Let us prepare Romania, as this earth, after being cleaned, will stay before My glory and will carry My glory and your glory if you get up now to love My glory in you. * I speak a heavenly word upon the manger of My word in the middle of Romania. I am the Lord of your spirit and body, as your body is from My body until the fullness of the times of the heavens, oh, My Romania, the country of My choice! And why My Father chose you? Oh, you were born once with Me into the world. My Father made you a body; He made you a body at the same time with My body as well, and then He breathed a spirit of live upon you, as the first one that I called, (Andrew, the apostle, r.n.), came to you and made you Christian, and baptized you into My name and that is why you are called the first called among the nations. But do your kindred really know this mystery? Does it really believe this heavenly miracle? You were beautifully worked in the midst of the nations of the earth, as your land carries a great mystery that you do not know, and this mystery taught you secretly to be good and not to want anything from your neighbor, and it is only you that fulfilled this commandment among the nations of the earth. And you kept yourself a bride for Me, as My Father betrothed Me with you at your birth, and God has been dwelling in you by His Spirit, because you did not love other gods, from your birth and until the end of the first church that lived with His body in your midst. And then you, pure and not defiled one, let yourself be deceived; and then it was chosen from you to the right and to the left, and My faithful sheep remained but a few to My right, and the other, trying to divide Me in two, tore their first shirt and took a new shirt and a new behavior, and from one you became two, My church, as in you, Romania, My Father has worked the last prophecy, and you have been aware of this. 12