The Word of God in Romania 1992.12.04 - The Word of God at the feast of the C | Page 10

1992.12.04 The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit feel rest after this counsel. Let there be rest upon the Spirit of God, Which is working into this garden. The Spirit is spirit and the body is body. Let the spirit overcome against the body, into your members, shepherds of My people. I let the peace and My Spirit upon you, and you should be a favorable and God’s receiving dwelling. Be obedient to Me as I was to My Father. I am before you. Be obedient to the One Who is greater than you. Pray to the Father of the heavens as I was praying, and say like Me: «Not My will but Your will be done, Father of the heavens, of the sons of the heavens». Amen. Peace to you from the Lord! Peace to the Lord from you! Oh, I have worked out peace between Me and you by the spring of this heavenly counsel. Amen, amen, amen. 04-12-1992 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 10