The Word of God in Romania 1992.05.03 - The Word of God on the second Sunday | Page 2

« They persecuted Me and they will persecute you as well , but take courage , for this is how I overcame the world ». I overcame it by persecution and death , and then by resurrection ; and this is how those , who became My disciples of the same work with them and with Me , overcame it , and I had no other church and it was not otherwise ; it was not as it is today . Oh , if a servant of Christ is not persecuted and blasphemed and if he is not like the Lord , that one is not My disciple according to the truth . He , who does not follow Me , cannot hide under My name and is not a member of My church , which was set on the rock and which was not taken into consideration by the builders ; and which has been the foundation of the Lord ’ s church since then . ( See the selection topic : „ The true church ”, r . n .) But I said to those of that time and to those , who after them , were like Me and like them , and I said this : « Woe to you , if the world honors you and speaks well of you , for this is how it was done to the false prophets and their parents » And I also said : « Blessed are you when they blame you and persecute you and will speak evil against you , for your reward is great in heaven ». In heavens , this is how I said , and behold , I came to make new heavens ; I came to set the reward on a new earth and in a new heaven , but there is no one to understand this time ; there is no one , for behold , the spirit of the world does no longer know how God is . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .)
Oh , what I have to do with those who serve and rule the nowadays church ? What am I going to do with them ? How shall I make a resurrection and a new heavenly kingdom on the earth ? I cannot even enter with My word to tell them as God ’ s order was in all times . How ? When they do not even want to hear any more from the Lord , as the Lord is by the word as He promised , and this Scripture cannot be abolished . They abolished it ; they who rule upon the church , but My church has My word in its midst , and that is why it is the church that I let to be . And those that serve today in My name , made of the heavenly spirits a reason of unfair gain , and they spread this gain for those that are not pleasant to God and for trespasses . But I said otherwise . I said : « Freely you receive , so freely give ». And if someone cannot do this way , let him not come closer to Me , for God is not to be mocked and deceived .
Oh , children , how the Lord ’ s priests should be and how they are ! The heaven is frightened of the priests ’ life , for neither they nor those that anoint them into My name are with Me , and behold , there is no faith in God and in those that are holy , and those that are holy are violated and cast into the mud and iniquities . They say in vain that are with Me ; they say it in vain .
Behold , the Lord is not in want of the church . The Lord has an establishment , for I said that I will establish the heavenly Jerusalem on the earth , and so I fulfill it . Amen , amen , amen . 03-05-1992
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor ( editor ). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here : https :// www . mediafire . com / folder / fb15ixqir7mr4 / Prophecies _ about _ New _ Jerusalem