The Word of God in Romania 1992.04.26 - The Word of God to the feast of the L | Page 6

1992.04.26 Christ is risen! May your entrance and your exit be blessed! May your coming back home be blessed, as it comes near from God! I said that I will come out before you by your work from here, from the mouth of the spring of My word. I said, and I will come out; I will come out soon before you. (It is about the first visit of the king in Romania, since his exile in 1945, by the com- munist dictatorship and by a trial in 1990, after the revolution, when he was turned back from the airport, r.n.). Peace to you, Michael, king of Romania! May My peace be with you and through you, king of the blessed one for the time of the Lord’s glory and of those that walk with the Lord! I am with you My loved one, and your joy will arise, and your painful life comes to joy. Behold, I come soon with the heavenly joy! Amen. Christ is risen! Let this heavenly glory sing to your heart all day, king of Romania! Amen, amen, amen. 26-04-1992 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 6