The Word of God in Romania 1992.04.26 - The Word of God to the feast of the L | Page 4

I brought the Lord ’ s gate back to its place ; I brought it , My most loved one ; by miracles I brought it , for the evil spirit knew its mystery and took possession and curse over it , but I brought it by the faith and the work of him who sings of Romania and to the one who sings to Romania , the
Gate at the entrance to the „ Holy Citadel New Jerusalem ”
Gate at the entrance to the „ Holy Citadel New Jerusalem ”, carved walnut .
song of the songs . ( Gheorghe Zamfir , r . n .) I brought it . I sent him by the word and raised the Lord ’ s gate , the gate that you will enter with glory , My most loved one . This is written in the Scripture , that « This shall be called the Lord ’ s gate and the Lord shall enter it , and the king of the blessed one shall also enter it ». It is written about this city which keeps watch over by its heavenly height upon the city of the New Jerusalem , which is coming down from God . It is written that it will be named with the name of the Lord and it will be told : « There is the Lord !». The prophets which wrote this Scripture leap and rejoice in the heavenly ones . You should also rejoice ! I will work soon , for behold I have so many that did not bow their knees before the Baal !
Peace to you My little heart , as you are tired ! Do not be afraid and do not doubt ! I am ; I and My servants ; I and My messengers ; I and My tools . May your entrance into My New Jerusalem be blessed ! For this is what I said about Romania , and those that are proclaimed cannot be changed and their fulfillment comes ! ( See the selection topic : „ Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan ”, r . n .)
Oh , cry My still hidden church . Cry under the pressure of the disbelief of the scribes , Pharisees and the bishops of this time , as they , like those of that time , do not know the time of their visitation . I raised the witness stone of God ’ s work , the Word , Which worked and has been working by the Holy Spirit for almost forty years . I raised it , and there is no work like this on the earth , for this heavenly height is not earthly interpreted , My love one . I have the angel of My church which was sent to you with My message , with My good news . I have it strong for this mystery , and it will be to testify about you when we are to disclose the stone which will keep watch at the entrance gate , for this was My word , and those that built this heavenly height have worked into My name and into your name , and it will be to come by My power . Be strong and gird up yourself with the power which comes from Me and work My wisdom with My life into your life , for we have to make Romania come to life . My children from here have nothing to be afraid of . They rest upon My promises . Do the same My most loved one , and you will also be at your place . Amen .