The Word of God in Romania 1991.10.31 - The Word of God to the Christians | Page 3
for Me will overcome the world and the spirit of the world, and there will be the Holy Spirit and
of resurrection making upon God’s creature. Be great in your heart, but also be clean and holy in
your heart, for the kingdom which is coming will establish holiness and a new earth and redemp-
tion from the death, for it shall no longer be death, and we will tread with death upon death and
death shall no longer be, and sin shall no longer be, for the sin is death upon My creature, and it
shall be resurrection in the truth, and the dry bones shall receive life and there shall no longer be
death. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)
Peace and heavenly joy and a New Jerusalem to be upon you, as God’s kingdom came
down in your being. Let this day be written both in heaven and on earth and let it be a remem-
brance day, a day of victory and of a new beginning, for the saints of the heaven stayed in groups
and looked to see and to hear the heavenly mysteries of the fullness of the heavenly times. Amen,
amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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