together the good thing and to make perfect the flock of the blessed Romania . Romania is the chosen country by which God puts back to its place the kingdom of the New Jerusalem . ( See the selection topic : „ Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan ”, r . n .) It is written in the book coming down that the Lord will choose Jerusalem again , and this will be in the days of distress . It is great trouble on earth ; the fog is thick ; the faith is big ; but this is what I said in the time of My body : « Not only these miracles ; rather those that believe in Me will work things greater than these , as I go to My Father ». Behold My love , it will be so . I will gather together all the flock , called , chosen and faithful , and I will make only one out of it and I will blow from heaven , so that those that are written may be fulfilled , for this is written : « I will pour out of My Spirit on old men and young men , on servants and handmaids and they will be filled with the knowledge of the Holy Spirit and I will prophesy among them and I will gather them together from the four winds of the earth and I will bring them into the country of Israel , in the country of the New Jerusalem , the one that come down from heaven .”
I used the trumpets written in the book in this time , and behold , I sound the first trumpet before the second coming , for I will reveal Myself as it is written . I will fill with a seen glory this Romanian land , this Canaan which I have been working on with the word of the seven thunders which have been spoken in this time . I used a body that you know , ( St . Virginia - the sixth trumpet , r . n .), and I spoke by this body and brought into view My plan and My work of ending of God ’ s secret . This body is now with Me and I gave her a great favor , son , for she had carried Me for twenty-five years , so that I could speak once again on the earth . ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic trumpets ”, r . n .)
This is what I said by the apostle John : « Take the book and eat it , for once again you have to prophecy to the peoples and nations and to the kingdoms of the world ». This is what I told Verginica : “ Do not lose yourself , Verginica , because you are to rise in your days and give food from Me to a great people that will gather together before My throne with branches in their hands and with little white clothes , singing the song of the New Jerusalem , for only these will know this song .” Only these , My loved son , and here is what I do , for I came into your way through this who is great over My church and who I will put on the first place of my church until the end . I came into your way , by him I came into your way , for I am in him , son , for he is the most faithful to the thing of this work that I speak by in Romania for such a long time . I came into your way to tell you too that this song is the song that I sang to you by this vessel that you know too , and this song is long . It is long ; it is from then when I came down for the first time in that vessel and until now , and until the end of this work by which I spoke , by which I sang to make this new song known . I came into your way and looked down from heaven over the work of My apostleship , because you are written into the book of this work , and I remembered of the word of your faith , because I work after the plan made by heaven , after the heavenly sketch . I found you in the sketch of this work and I came now into your way to ask your fruit and to reward you . I want to put the new name of the New Jerusalem on the forehead of your flock , for you are the forehead of this flock , but I want you to teach this heavenly song to all from your flock , for your flock listens to you . Your flock knows you and listens to your voice and goes after you as after faithful follower of the Good Shepherd . You are My friend and I know you out of a thousand , My son . Get up and come to meet Me ; come out with all of your retinue . Call and let it be known over your flock , for I want to come in your Jerusalem , to join it with the one coming down from heaven and to make , from everything that is on earth , to make only one , a heavenly one , for here is what I do ! I came down from heaven