The Word of God in Romania 1991.01.16 - The Word of God upon the apocalyptic | Página 4

Behold the voice of God ! Turn your faces to your parents and to the saints who have worked the commandments of holiness and of the eternal life . Flee from slavery , and who is a slave of the sin , let him stand up and do justice towards God . Remember how I was , My loved ones , for that is why I took up a body , so that I might strengthen your faith as you can be gods even in your bodies . The glory which is about to come and reveal even from now could reached to the human mind by now , but it is written about it in all Scripture . The people of the New Jerusalem will be a heavenly people , with heavenly bodies , and that is why it is written in the Scriptures that Israel has been sighing in his spirit to this day for the redemption of the body . Behold , the body and the heart of those from these days have to turn into a new heaven and new earth and living stones at the New Jerusalem foundation which the Lord will come soon with to the surface and which the far away peoples will flow to so that they may see the glory of the New Jerusalem . The time of the second appearance is coming ; My time is coming , My loved ones , but no one understands and no one believes anymore . But they who pierced Me will believe because they will see it , My loved ones .
Get yourselves dressed for righteousness and make straight paths ! Make a straight path into the wilderness of the world , so that the saved ones may walk in it ! Give yourselves as an example upon the flock and make yourselves a new temple and a holy tent of God ’ s saved ones ! Teach the multitudes ! Make a straight path in the wilderness of disbelief and cry out in time and out of time ; cry out like John , the Baptizer : « Repent in your heart and life for the one , that is written in the prophets about that is coming , is coming now !» Cry over the multitudes , cry out in faith : “ Get up from your graves and make peace with God !” Call out as I also called out ; call out and command to these dry bones , so that these dead ones may rise My loved ones ! Let them be raised for righteousness and be found holy and clean ! Call out as I called out : « Lazarus , get up !» for that Lazarus meant the illustration of My tribe of today who forgot My commandments and who walks in the way of death , My loved ones ! Call out over Israel : “ Israel take the coat of righteousness on you for the time of your glory has come . Eat the food the first ones in Eden ate and live the same way as they lived until falling into disobedience when they ate from the forbidden apple ! Put an end , Israel , to the fleshly sin and make peace with God ! As it was at the beginning of your work , the same will be at the end of his thing , for the iniquity will be lifted up and the ephah will be put back to its place , for God spoke this .
Israel feed on heavenly manna and do not rebel from now on anymore ! You have seen what happened to Moses ’ people , who was nourished with imperishable food and murmured against heavenly manna and wanted flesh and sin again .
Israel , do not take the life of God ’ s creature to eat the body of the creature made by God . ( The flesh of animals , r . n .) Do not turn your belly anymore into a grave of bodies which have life from God ! It is enough , Israel ! The Lord wants to show you the entrance gate into Canaan , and wants to set the Eden again in your land ! Do not work out evil deeds which you cannot reach into heaven with . Do not do any more evil Israel , and be a holy people ! From small to great dress , Israel , for righteousness , for there will be no more death , and death will be swallowed up by the victory from these days !”
My loved ones be true apostles , by My apostles , by the apostles of My Romania , for Romania is My bride , and I have loved her since her birth . Romania will be holy ; it will be a people