The Word of God in Romania 1991.01.16 - The Word of God to His chosen Irineu | Page 3
protected and saved My spies that I sent through Joshua to search out the Jericho. And I will work
with My servants from here the same way as I worked with the priests who sounded the trumpets
that the walls of Jericho fell down, and the Lord gave that city to Joshua and to his chosen people.
My loved child, behold, the faith in this time has to be great, for this is the time when God
is uttering an end for transgression, for emptiness and for the spirit of the world, as the world has
come to its end. And as the Lord, at the sound of the priests’ trumpets and at the cry of the people,
gave the Jericho into the hand of his chosen ones, so it will be in this time, for it is written: «Re-
joice, for the Lord wants it to give you the kingdom»! Amen.
I sent a letter to the King of Romania to make him glad and strengthen him and make him
faithful to the thing that I am working in this time. I let My anointed Michael know and I told him
that he would have authority over the nations by My power, and I told him that he would be a holy
king as is written into the Scriptures. I told him to live according to My wills and commandments
and I let him know about you that I prepare you to be one with him in order to be peace between
you, so that we may work in you the thing for the end of transgression and for a new beginning of
heavenly kingdom for this land of the New Jerusalem. I told him that I will set My Holy Spirit into
the heart of his people, so that this people may love My anointed one. (See the selection topic:
„Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.)
Behold how much faith has to come up to Me from you; more than from those who by their
faith received kingdoms; have tamed the wild animals or closed the mouths of the lions; who put
the power of fire out or cast away the hosts of the enemies.
My loved child work for My plan and everything will be for glory and victory. It is not out
of My plan what I work with you; the one about you want to know and what to do with it. I cannot
work in it as I work in you. I spoke when I brought you to work for Me for a time there too; I told
you that I would give My children for your help, the children tested by Me and found faithful.
And about the one who was for a little time beside you, behold what I tell you; I tell you a
wise word which says: “Protect me Lord from my friends, as I protect myself from my enemies.”
But I tell you once more this wise word, so that it may be to your understanding, and here is what
I tell you: “Keep away from your friends, as I keep you away from your enemies.” Amen.
Work with the strong faith and with that which I called her an apostle of Romania, for I
want to give her a share up to the end. What is impossible with men is possible with the Lord, My
child, and we will be able to do it, and the power from above will be seen.
Peace to you, loved child by God! Peace and power and strong faith, for by the faith worked
out in this time and by your good patience we will win multitudes of souls and many nations will
be saved. Peace and sweet embrace from the Lord and from His little Mother who covers you with
his honored shelter!
Peace to you, My children, My loved ones, the ones who love Me! Amen, amen, amen.