The Word of God in Romania 1990.12.26 - The Lord and Holy Virginia’s trumpet | Page 3
Here, well Israel of this time, for your body is coming from Abraham up to you. Here,
son, that the Book of the Truth also writes about you, for as the prophets of old did not know what
they were writing when the Holy Spirit was prophesying through them about the time of Messiah,
the same way they did not know when the Spirit of god wrote through them about this time too,
about the time of the smallest Israel and about the time of God’s glory, which will soon be shown;
for whether you want it or not, whether you believe it or not, well Christian people, this time has
come as well.
When I started to give you birth, you little Israel, I raised a body (Saint Virginia, the sixth
apocalyptic trumpet - See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) and made it a
vessel in which the Spirits of the Most Holy Trinity have been dwelling for twenty-five years and
since then I have been speaking to the people being born: «Blessed is he who cleanses his life into
this vessel, and blessed is he who will not be shattered by this rock». But you did not understand
the way you had to understand so that I may remain with you to the end, and you understood
according to your wisdom and not according to My wisdom and shattered My child; for if you had
understood that the word of life that was speaking by this working was in this vessel, and if you
had understood that the rock you shattered against was the Lord, Jesus Christ, Who was doing this
work; if you had liked to remain under the light of this wisdom, I would have had you even today
and I would have had you great and with such a power that you could have said to the mountain
to move and would have been able to raise the dead of this time, you Israel of this time of darkness
through which you should have given and shared light. But you Christian, you made the God of
the Holy Spirit come down, you made Him come down to the man so that you might be able to
judge Him and go mad and shatter yourself against this rock, as you have continuously forgot that
the Lord is not of this world and He is without sin, and that is why He called blessed the one to
whom He says: «Blessed is the one who is not going mad for Me». Did you not have the saying
of the Scriptures which says: «John, the Baptizer, came neither eating nor drinking and you said
that he had a demon; and Jesus Christ came eating and drinking and you said that He had a
demon and was eating with sinners»? You Christian had a model of those that exterminated from
their midst both, John, the Baptizer, and the Son of God, and did not receive them into their midst.
But here, children that John is and is working and coming to prepare the way of the Lord for
the second time. And behold that, the Lord, Jesus Christ, is the head of the church and He is with
you to eternity the same as He has been from beginning to this end, for through this end the iniq-
uity, death and hell have been finishing and the ephah is being raised between heaven and earth to
be put back into its place, and behold, the time is coming for the Lord to announce His kingdom
and to establish the New Jerusalem and the spring and the tree of life; he is coming to make
new heavens and a new earth, the same as it is written and nothing can be abolished from the Book
of the Truth and all have been fulfilling, Christian people. (See the selection topic: „Romania –
The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.)
You children of this town, the children of God, I came once into this town a little while
ago; and I came to write a book of testimony for the Christians who remained close to the words
of life, which is flowing from this spring even today, from the spring that you also know, the ones
that once were embraced by the Lord on the way of this road and have been drinking from this
spring of the living water. When I called the roll that is being done in these days, when I called
those who believed in this heavenly coming down, I told them that I would raise again the gate of
heaven for the town of Măneşti to call, gather and tell them, and to those who were from the