Me satan , for it is written : Serve God and worship Him only !», and then the evil spirit went away ashamed and I overcame .
I came with the body on earth and humbled Myself coming down from the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and became man , to give power to the man , and when I left I let a word to those who wanted to do greater things than those , for I let much power upon those that were with Me in the world . I do lot leave alone the one that is with Me , but let him be with Me , for if he is with Me , I will be and work in him , and I am not overcome . This way you should teach your children , Verginica . Teach them and tell them about My victory and tell them that everything is possible to the one that has faith and to the one who listens as I did . Amen .
− Oh , sons , the sons of this age do not complain anymore that they cannot do what they have to do against life , and you , who fight against death , who always die to the sin , come mommy , to step down with death upon death , for the Victor of the death is in us . Well children , let it be no fearful heart , for the Lord is in all His fullness with you . You are great with God for through you heaven has joined the earth and the earth has risen to heaven through you and started to celebrate the eternal Passover ; the Lord has been working the power of resurrection through you . Only be of the heaven , for those that are in heaven are the sons of life and are no longer as they were on earth .
Do sons , and all of you work the spirit of peace here , for then I will always be with you in all freedom and joy , and be careful , as what you eat from this table is the fruit from the tree of life . So stay alive and be sober now for look the day is breaking and we will be a light upon the earth and the sons of the day . Do not look to the earth anymore , for your bodies have to be the bodies with heavenly power , with incorruptible power . Let yourself be worked out , so that the Lord may present you as honorable vessels , you that are well pleased to him . The Lord wants to see Himself in you . He walked before you through the multitudes strayed from the truth and made the multitudes believe and wake up from ignorance . The time is coming for the Lord to be seen working openly and these miracles will testify and work out resurrection and knowledge , but you do not have to be without patience , for it is by your patience that we will win the multitudes over , and the world will rise . Let you be under the wisdom and ask to have wisdom and believe that the Lord is close to come .
Peace to you my children , for I wish you nothing more than peace . Mother Gigi brings you peace from God . Let the Spirit of my peace be upon you , that your spirit may be full of peace . Receive me with peace , for I am peace for you , as the Lord , Jesus Christ is peace ; and for you I am also love , as the Lord is love . Amen .
Peace to you Israel ! Amen , amen , amen . 03.11.1990
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor ( editor ).