The Word of God in Romania 1990.10.25 - The Word of God; Prophecy about Roman | Page 3
And in that day I will take My revenge on the emperors and nobles, on the rich and
powerful ones, on the slaves and the free ones, as I will search into you with alight torches,
beloved citadel, and My eye will look into caves and over the rocks for those who hid them-
selves from My anger. But in that day I shall note My name and yours on the foreheads of all
your people who have guarded My patience and cleaned up their clothes, and your sons will be
priests of The One Who sits on the throne and they will serve day and night in front of Me and
they will bring Me incense odour, love odour, My love, and they will be thirsty no more, and
they will be hungry no more, for I will give them the sources of life and they will wash their
tears in them and the one who will wash his life into them will add to you, beloved citadel.
Oh, I shall lay My tent over you to protect you afterwards, as My angels will unleash
pain and sorrow over the ones who do not have the sign of The Living One. And I shall
unleash a thunder sound, as it is written and the mystery of God will be announced again to all
the nations and languages on earth and to all the powerful ones and I shall cry out: «Oh, how
many times I have wanted to bring you under My wing and protect you! But you did not want
to, and you sinned far from Me and you lay into ignorance and you did not want My Truth
and you did not love life, as you ended your fall with deed, to be worthy of your fall. And now,
behold, I am devastating you, and I spill anger over the peoples, and you shall not meet Me
until it will be heard again: “Blessed is The One Who comes again in the name of Lord!».
And you, My Romania, the citadel of My love, you will see the ones who used to come to curse
you, for they will take the path of Valaam, because you are blessed and great with Me, My love,
for Lord shall rule and He shall reward His slaves, His prophets and His saints and the ones
who are afraid of God. And a new song will be sung into you, and nothing impure shall enter.
Oh, My beloved Romania, get out of Babylon, run away from fornication and sanctify
yourself with Me, not to taste from the punishment of Babylon, for the smoke of the fire in
which Babylon burns will rise, Babylon, the citadel dressed in gold, and the apostles and proph-
ets will rejoice, for Lord is coming with His justice to redeem their blood; for the angel of the
churches will sound and will spread the Word of God and the times will settle down at their
place 2 and The Church of the Living God will be glorified and power will be given to the ones
on the thrones to judge and to redeem the blood of those who were tortured for the testimony
of God, the ones who did not stain themselves with the Babylon’s wine. And the tears and death
will perish and the sky and the earth will become new, as the old ones pass with crash.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the new beginning, and you,
beloved citadel, will be dressed in glory and the ones written in My Book will come to you and
a river of life will rise from you and I will put in your middle the tree of life. Blessed are those
who wash the coat of life to enter at God. Blessed are those who listen to the Spirits of God.
The flower and the grass wither, but the Word of God lies into eternity. I am The One Who
gives hope. I am The One Who speaks.
God is blowing an awakening spirit over the wisemen of the earth: love the fear of God,
love the belief in God, but love God’s love. Let My love and My wisdom come down over the
wise men of this century and let no one stumble. The wisdom in God is fear of God; this is the
beginning of wisdom and the one who has not got this one, that one is not wise.
Reference to the settlement in place of Christian holidays, after the old rite, r.n.