The Word of God in Romania 1978.05.11 - The Word of God | Page 2
or spoil the churches; they ask for the destruction of those who defiled them. (The servants of the
communist regime, r.n.)
… The priest eats in the altar where he is not allowed to take nothing but My Supper; not
to put any other food into his mouth. My little children, I did not tell you to leave the little church.
They are responsible for them and for the people. Do you believe? (See the selection topic: „The
fearful judgment”, r.n.)
… God has spoken through many things: through stone, woods and birds as well God has
spoken My little children, and He also speaks by thunderbolts, waters and floods and earthquakes.
And the world says: „There was a great flood.” It was not a flood rather it was a great work.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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