The Word of God in Romania 1978.04.04 - The Word of God
The Word of God 1
(Translated by I.A.)
… Christian, repair the robbery from you, for there are two more minutes and you will
be terrified by what you will see. You will have no place to hide to escape the heavy pain. The
more comfort has been with you, the worse will you get beaten by God.
… It is written in the Holy Scripture that in the last time God will pour out from His
Holy Spirit over your sons and your daughters and happy will be the one who heard and worked
and turned a sinful man into a faithful man.
Hold on tight Christian, as the Lord is not coming to you as there is someone to come
to you. But it is written in the Holy Scripture, that the mouth will be covered and it will not be
said anything.
Daniel son, the man has bought the demon. Keep in mind! Daniel, the man has bought
the demon and is going to be a merchant of demons. Even if you have nothing to eat, do not
buy the demon for you will be tormented. The maggots will eat you up: they will eat all your
flesh up, to the bones and to the marrow; they will make a house into the stone of man. Listen
to the Lord, Daniel, and prophesy this prophecy, as the demons got out of the hell and serve
the world. They bring to them lot of money on the table, they bring to them much bread, they
bring to them everything they need to feed the body, but they do not bring to them the coat of
spirit and the Spirit of the Lord runs away and cries. And keep in mind Daniel, for when the
demon gets into the clean and swept house, know that the end has come. The demons sell a
gram of alcohol and a kilogram of water and put their enchanting over it. The man drinks,
drinks, drinks, and does not know where his house is, he does not know of his work, he does
not know of his children, and he does not know of his woman. But keep the prophecy firmly
to your house. Even if there is no water on any part, do not drink of this drinking, as if you
drink it, you will estrange yourself. (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters
or what comes out of him? ”, r.n.)
Oh, what grace God gave you! He gave you a coat of king. What a beautiful coat the
Christian is wearing today! But if he drinks, the little coat is not his anymore, and the demon
that undressed the Lord at Golgotha gets him undressed too and divides his little coat as he
divided the coat of the Lord, to mock My work.
Keep in mind, son; Ceauşescu dies, and the communists die. Keep this whisper hidden.
Until it happens do not say anything. After he dies you can speak. And there is no need to know
how he dies. (Executed at the Revolution in 25.12.1989, r.n.) No one will escape. You do not
know; you are littlish, tiny.
… Cry on the way, for this will come to you: “My God, my God do not forsake us and
come as soon as possible, for your people want You to come into Your house, to talk about the
spiritual ones.”
God’s Word in Romania